[SAC] [OSGeo-Standards] TEAM Engine and CITE infrastructure

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jeff McKenna <jmckenna@gatewaygeomatics.com>

Subject: [OSGeo-Standards] Fwd: TEAM Engine and CITE infrastructure

Date: May 8, 2014 8:46:52 AM EDT

To: standards@lists.osgeo.org

Hello OSGeo standards community,

I received a request (below) from Luis Bermudez, head of the OGC
compliance group, wondering if OSGeo might be able to help hosting their
CITE architecture. Note that he sent this to me a day after the
deadline listed on the call, so I don’t think we should pay much
attention to that date. What are the thoughts on helping them?

I will also mention this at next week’s OSGeo board meeting.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: TEAM Engine and CITE infrastructure
Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 13:45:36 -0400
From: Luis Bermudez <lbermudez@opengeospatial.org>
To: Jeff McKenna <jmckenna@gatewaygeomatics.com>

Hi Jeff

We have had lots of discussion about moving the OGC CITE software
infrastructure to a different place. We were advise after the last TC
to do a press release to see which organizations can provide support for
issue tracking, releases, code review etc. We recently published this
press release

Maybe OSGeo is interested? I didn’t heard from anybody from OSGeo.
Please let me know what you think.

Thank you very much!

  • Luis

Luis Bermudez, Ph.D.
Director Compliance Program
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
The OGC: Making Location Count

Skype: bermudez_luis
Twitter: @berdez
Tel: +1 301 760 7323

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