[SAC] pgRouting to OSGeo infrastructure migration (looking for SAC member to volunteer)

Hi SAC members,

The pgRouting community would like to migrate project mailing list, SVN and TRAC to OSGeo infrastructure.

Currently there are open tickets for

Is there anyone who would be able to help us?

Regarding TRAC migration there is no ticket yet, because I’m not sure this is an easy task or not. Possible issues could be that pgRouting TRAC currently uses PostgreSQL and the “Discussion” module (= Forum).
If migration would be too complicated, we might start with a new TRAC instance and copy content manually (and do some cleanup at the same time), or host TRAC somewhere else.
Any thoughts or experiences?

Best regards,

Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de

Hi SAC members,

I have asked for somebody of the SAC team to “mentor” importing the current pgRouting SVN repository some time ago, but unfortunately haven’t had any reply yet (see the end of the email for more details of what we would like to do).

Comparing the version of OSGeo SVN (version 1.5.6 (r36142) and current pgRouting SVN (version 1.6.2 (r37639) shows that the repository to be imported runs now on a newer version of Subversion. If you think this could cause problems or makes migration too complicated, pgRouting project will look for some other place to host the source code.

Best regards,

2010/5/12 Daniel Kastl <daniel@georepublic.de>

Hi SAC members,

The pgRouting community would like to migrate project mailing list, SVN and TRAC to OSGeo infrastructure.

Currently there are open tickets for

Is there anyone who would be able to help us?

Regarding TRAC migration there is no ticket yet, because I’m not sure this is an easy task or not. Possible issues could be that pgRouting TRAC currently uses PostgreSQL and the “Discussion” module (= Forum).
If migration would be too complicated, we might start with a new TRAC instance and copy content manually (and do some cleanup at the same time), or host TRAC somewhere else.
Any thoughts or experiences?

Best regards,

Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de

Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl@georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de

Daniel Kastl wrote:

Hi SAC members,

I have asked for somebody of the SAC team to "mentor" importing the current
pgRouting SVN repository some time ago, but unfortunately haven't had any
reply yet (see the end of the email for more details of what we would like
to do).

Comparing the version of OSGeo SVN (*version 1.5.6 (r36142) *and current
pgRouting SVN (*version 1.6.2 (r37639)* shows that the repository to be
imported runs now on a newer version of Subversion. If you think this could
cause problems or makes migration too complicated, pgRouting project will
look for some other place to host the source code.

Best regards,

2010/5/12 Daniel Kastl <daniel@georepublic.de>

Hi SAC members,

The pgRouting community would like to migrate project mailing list, SVN and
TRAC to OSGeo infrastructure.

Currently there are open tickets for

   - pgrouting-users mailing list migration:
   - subversion repository migration:

For SVN migration Frank replied that I need to ask some member of the SAC
to volunteer. Maybe this is also required for mailing list migration, isn't
Is there anyone who would be able to help us?

Regarding TRAC migration there is no ticket yet, because I'm not sure this
is an easy task or not. Possible issues could be that pgRouting TRAC
currently uses PostgreSQL and the "Discussion" module (= Forum).
If migration would be too complicated, we might start with a new TRAC
instance and copy content manually (and do some cleanup at the same time),
or host TRAC somewhere else.
Any thoughts or experiences?

Best regards,

We are looking to migrate the osgeo svn service to a new server this
week. It's seems reasonable that bring in pgRouting could be part of
that move. I think we can at least get you instructions on how to
prepare a dump to be copied over. We'd also of course need a dump from
Trac, do you know what version of Trac you're running?

For mailing list, creating a new one is relatively easy, is there a dump
of subscribers that you want to migrate over?


Hi Alex,

TRAC version of pgRouting is currently 0.11.5rc1 and the only one speciality we use is the “Discussion” plugin.
I suppose it’s not so easy to install additional plugins because a lot of other TRAC instances are running on OSGeo server, so we thought to stop using this plugin in this case. Another problem I could think of now is that pgRouting TRAC uses PostgreSQL as database.
So if all these issues seem too complicated, I might also start a TRAC instance from scratch and do some Wiki and ticket cleanup at the same time. There is not too much content yet.

I think the dump file we made already follows the guide in http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Subversion
It can be downloaded from http://download.osgeo.org/pgrouting/tmp/20100510_pgrouting.svn.dmp.tar.gz

The mailing lists are already setup, thanks to Frank.

Please let me know if you need any other information.
Thank you,


2010/5/26 Alex Mandel <tech_dev@wildintellect.com>

Daniel Kastl wrote:

Hi SAC members,

I have asked for somebody of the SAC team to “mentor” importing the current
pgRouting SVN repository some time ago, but unfortunately haven’t had any
reply yet (see the end of the email for more details of what we would like
to do).

Comparing the version of OSGeo SVN (*version 1.5.6 (r36142) *and current
pgRouting SVN (version 1.6.2 (r37639) shows that the repository to be
imported runs now on a newer version of Subversion. If you think this could
cause problems or makes migration too complicated, pgRouting project will
look for some other place to host the source code.

Best regards,

2010/5/12 Daniel Kastl <daniel@georepublic.de>

Hi SAC members,

The pgRouting community would like to migrate project mailing list, SVN and
TRAC to OSGeo infrastructure.

Currently there are open tickets for

For SVN migration Frank replied that I need to ask some member of the SAC
to volunteer. Maybe this is also required for mailing list migration, isn’t
Is there anyone who would be able to help us?

Regarding TRAC migration there is no ticket yet, because I’m not sure this
is an easy task or not. Possible issues could be that pgRouting TRAC
currently uses PostgreSQL and the “Discussion” module (= Forum).
If migration would be too complicated, we might start with a new TRAC
instance and copy content manually (and do some cleanup at the same time),
or host TRAC somewhere else.
Any thoughts or experiences?

Best regards,

We are looking to migrate the osgeo svn service to a new server this
week. It’s seems reasonable that bring in pgRouting could be part of
that move. I think we can at least get you instructions on how to
prepare a dump to be copied over. We’d also of course need a dump from
Trac, do you know what version of Trac you’re running?

For mailing list, creating a new one is relatively easy, is there a dump
of subscribers that you want to migrate over?


Sac mailing list

Hi Alex (or other SAC members),

I’m not sure about the state of the server migration and don’t wan’t to bother anyone, but after another discussion with Christopher Schmidt about project hosting (http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/sac/2010-June/002596.html), I’m not sure now if it’s OK for pgRouting project to use SVN and/or TRAC on OSGeo servers.

If so it would be nice if someone could import our SVN dump, because currently migration of pgRouting is somehow stuck in the middle :wink:
The dump file is still the same as in this ticket: http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/561 I think it shouldn’t make troubles. The repository isn’t very big.

Regarding TRAC migration I’m more concerned, because pgRouting TRAC currently uses PostgreSQL as database and has a couple of plugins installed (especially the forum plugin).
So pgRouting would be OK with a new, empty TRAC instance and we would copy the content manually (there is a lot of outdated stuff anyway, so this would be a good reason for a big cleanup). As a replacement for the forum plugin (it’s much more popular among users than the pgRouting mailing list), we might use then http://shapado.com, which I heard about recently. It looks even more useful for us than the current forum (it’s open source btw.).

Best regards,

2010/5/27 Daniel Kastl <daniel.kastl@georepublic.de>

Hi Alex,

TRAC version of pgRouting is currently 0.11.5rc1 and the only one speciality we use is the “Discussion” plugin.
I suppose it’s not so easy to install additional plugins because a lot of other TRAC instances are running on OSGeo server, so we thought to stop using this plugin in this case. Another problem I could think of now is that pgRouting TRAC uses PostgreSQL as database.
So if all these issues seem too complicated, I might also start a TRAC instance from scratch and do some Wiki and ticket cleanup at the same time. There is not too much content yet.

I think the dump file we made already follows the guide in http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Subversion
It can be downloaded from http://download.osgeo.org/pgrouting/tmp/20100510_pgrouting.svn.dmp.tar.gz

The mailing lists are already setup, thanks to Frank.

Please let me know if you need any other information.
Thank you,


2010/5/26 Alex Mandel <tech_dev@wildintellect.com>

Daniel Kastl wrote:

Hi SAC members,

I have asked for somebody of the SAC team to “mentor” importing the current
pgRouting SVN repository some time ago, but unfortunately haven’t had any
reply yet (see the end of the email for more details of what we would like
to do).

Comparing the version of OSGeo SVN (*version 1.5.6 (r36142) *and current
pgRouting SVN (version 1.6.2 (r37639) shows that the repository to be
imported runs now on a newer version of Subversion. If you think this could
cause problems or makes migration too complicated, pgRouting project will
look for some other place to host the source code.

Best regards,

2010/5/12 Daniel Kastl <daniel@georepublic.de>

Hi SAC members,

The pgRouting community would like to migrate project mailing list, SVN and
TRAC to OSGeo infrastructure.

Currently there are open tickets for

For SVN migration Frank replied that I need to ask some member of the SAC
to volunteer. Maybe this is also required for mailing list migration, isn’t
Is there anyone who would be able to help us?

Regarding TRAC migration there is no ticket yet, because I’m not sure this
is an easy task or not. Possible issues could be that pgRouting TRAC
currently uses PostgreSQL and the “Discussion” module (= Forum).
If migration would be too complicated, we might start with a new TRAC
instance and copy content manually (and do some cleanup at the same time),
or host TRAC somewhere else.
Any thoughts or experiences?

Best regards,

We are looking to migrate the osgeo svn service to a new server this
week. It’s seems reasonable that bring in pgRouting could be part of
that move. I think we can at least get you instructions on how to
prepare a dump to be copied over. We’d also of course need a dump from
Trac, do you know what version of Trac you’re running?

For mailing list, creating a new one is relatively easy, is there a dump
of subscribers that you want to migrate over?


Sac mailing list