[SAC] Photo and video hosting

Dear SAC members,

during FOSS4G 2022 we collected several pictures that we would like to
share with the community. Before flick was used but now the license
changed and it is not possible anymore.

Could be possible to set up a service to share these photos.
I found few possible candidates:
- Nextcloud (OSGeo already have a running instance)
- Piwigo https://piwigo.org/
- LibrePhoto https://github.com/LibrePhotos/librephotos
- Lychee https://github.com/LycheeOrg/Lychee

I would like to have any feedback from your side.

Thanks a lot



during FOSS4G 2022 we collected several pictures that we would like to


with the community. Before flick was used but now the license changed and


is not possible anymore.

Could be possible to set up a service to share these photos.
I found few possible candidates:
- Nextcloud (OSGeo already have a running instance)
- Piwigo https://piwigo.org/
- LibrePhoto https://github.com/LibrePhotos/librephotos
- Lychee https://github.com/LycheeOrg/Lychee

I would like to have any feedback from your side.

Thanks a lot



I don't have any opinions on any. Sandro you have any favorites here.

I know that Brian Hamlin had a collected a bunch of the older pictures and
they are housed somewhere on the gallery on osgeo3. Probably makes sense to
setup these new apps on that server.

Brian have any opinion on any of these?


On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 07:37:06AM +0200, Luca Delucchi wrote:

Could be possible to set up a service to share these photos.
I found few possible candidates:
- Nextcloud (OSGeo already have a running instance)
- Piwigo https://piwigo.org/
- LibrePhoto https://github.com/LibrePhotos/librephotos
- Lychee https://github.com/LycheeOrg/Lychee

I would like to have any feedback from your side.

I never setup a photo server myself so no first-time opinion.
Alex Mandel told us he has a Piwigo instance so that could be
a good start. Someone also mentioned (in #osgeo-sac:libera.chat)
Pixelfed which is supposedly working like Peertube (engages P2P
on clients, to reduce load on server).

What we need for sure is a LDAP backend for authentication.
We saw Piwigo and Pixelfed both support LDAP backend,
do you know about LibrePhoto and Lychee or have any experience
with them ?

Best would be to find a volunteer to actually setup, document
and maintain the service. We can provide a container to play

Regina ticketed a task to set such service up here:
comments should probably go there
