[SAC] problem with wiki requiring cookies even if they are already allowed

Dear admins,

one of our gsoc students is experience the following problem with the wiki. Actually, I experienced the same problem trying to create a new wiki page. I was already logged in, but when I tried to save, it said that a loss of data had occurred and i should log out and log in again. I logged out but when i tried to log in i had the same message error about cookies.




On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 1:07 PM, Margherita Di Leo <diregola@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Rajat,

thank you for your report. The link to repository that you indicate in your report is different from the one you provided here: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2017_Accepted
This has created some confusion! Please update the link in the wiki page. Thanks and regards,

On Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 1:11 PM, Rajat Shinde <rajatshinde2303@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear all,


My project is to "Add Audio, Video, and SOS input support to the MapMint4ME". The consolidated points showing the work done by me in the eighth week and the plans for upcoming days are as follows:

  1. What did I complete this week?
  • Added HTML files for Audio input support. The details are present at [1].
  • Updated the JavaScript files for successful invoking camera module of the emulated device from the MapMint4ME (for video recording). the details of the commit are present at [2].
  • Started with setting up sensor modules for SOS input support.
  • Setup the Temperature and Humidity sensor- DHT 11 using Arduino Uno microcontroller for SOS input support. The sensor is working correctly. [3]
  • Calibrated the Gas sensor- MQ2. [4]
  • Setup the Bluetooth module- HC 05 for SOS support. The module is inconsistent with the AT commands. Currently, I am trying to overcome this issue. [5]
  1. What do I plan to achieve the next week?
  • Access the captured video and audio files from the MapMint4ME and store it in the database. This will help in publishing the map with included details.
  • Combine sensors and the Bluetooth module together as a single SOS unit. Send the sensor readings to the MapMint4ME application.
  1. Is there any blocking issue?

[2] Updated JavaScripts for Video support
[3] Setup DHT 11
[4] Setup and Calibrate MQ 2
[5] Setup Bluetooth module

The update has been done on the project wiki too.

The link to the project wiki page: Wiki.
The link to the Github repository: Repo.

With best regards,
Rajat Shinde
Organization: MapMint, OSGeo.

SoC mailing list

Margherita Di Leo

Margherita Di Leo

On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 04:02:00PM +0200, Margherita Di Leo wrote:

one of our gsoc students is experience the following problem with the wiki.
Actually, I experienced the same problem trying to create a new wiki page.
I was already logged in, but when I tried to save, it said that a loss of
data had occurred and i should log out and log in again. I logged out but
when i tried to log in i had the same message error about cookies.

I just tried logging in and I get this message:

  Login error
  OSGeo Wiki uses cookies to log in users. You have cookies disabled.
  Please enable them and try again.

The error is clearly misleading, I do have cookies enabled.
Did anyone modify anything recently on the wiki server ?

Margherita: it would be a good idea to ticket this on
use the *wiki* component please


On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 11:04 AM, Sandro Santilli <strk@kbt.io> wrote:

On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 04:02:00PM +0200, Margherita Di Leo wrote:

> one of our gsoc students is experience the following problem with the
> Actually, I experienced the same problem trying to create a new wiki
> I was already logged in, but when I tried to save, it said that a loss of
> data had occurred and i should log out and log in again. I logged out but
> when i tried to log in i had the same message error about cookies.

I just tried logging in and I get this message:

  Login error
  OSGeo Wiki uses cookies to log in users. You have cookies disabled.
  Please enable them and try again.

The error is clearly misleading, I do have cookies enabled.
Did anyone modify anything recently on the wiki server ?

Margherita: it would be a good idea to ticket this on
use the *wiki* component please

Thank you Sandro, done: https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/1976#ticket

Margherita Di Leo