[SAC] QGIS VM Reboot

QGIS Folks,

Someone noticed in QGIS that qgis.org was down again.
I used the OSGeo / OSUOSL "VM management" tool to
reboot the VM and things seem fine again.

Sometime similar happened a couple days ago and I believe
Martin rebooted it then.

Alex mentions:
first time I noticed this I talked with jef and tim who said it was a
run away ruby process related to redmine - I wonder why it just
started after years of being fine

shows a memory hog/leak of so

I'm not sure if there is an open ticket on this issue. I have a vague
recollection that Alex posted somewhere about it last time.

The QGIS VM is not managed by SAC, so I'm sending this email
to let QGIS admin folks that they need to track down the problem.

In the meantime if VM reboots are needed I'd encourage
asking in #osgeo and/or emailing the SAC mailing list.
Any OSGeo "primary admin" should be able to trigger the
reboot including myself, Alex (aka wildintellect) and MartinSpott
who are often around.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Software Developer

On Thu, Sep 06, 2012 at 11:59:06AM -0700, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

In the meantime if VM reboots are needed I'd encourage
asking in #osgeo and/or emailing the SAC mailing list.
Any OSGeo "primary admin" should be able to trigger the
reboot including myself, Alex (aka wildintellect) and MartinSpott
who are often around.

Note that I hardly ever attend #osgeo, but I try to have an eye on

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