[SAC] Re: Can you grab me on IRC today for some SAC questions?

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Subject: Re: Can you grab me on IRC today for some SAC questions?
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2017 07:43:36 -0800
From: Alex Mandel <tech@wildintellect.com>
To: Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@gmail.com>, Angelos Tzotsos <tzotsos@gmail.com>
CC: Jeffrey Johnson <ortelius@gmail.com>

No, the overhaul of the website was not part of the SAC budget.
Our budget was:
Server replacement of osgeo3 ~$6,000
Maintenance & Service contracts ~$9,000

That could include the setup of software necessary for new web infrastructure, but the paying of an outside vendor to actually make the new site I assumed would be in the Marketing (or whoever took over webcom).

Yes, we will ask SAC for someone to sit on the EOI/RFQ. Who is in charge of that so I can make the connection, or can you share an email with SAC asking for the volunteer?


On 01/05/2017 07:36 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:

Budget for 2017 looks to be approved (have to remaining board members to

Since we did not hear from Alex I sent some details to the SAC email list:

*Doubling back to this thread after recent budget discussion/questions. The
board set a goal of redoing the website presence in 2017 (RFQ,content
migration,etc...). It was unclear if the 15K request from SAC took this
into account or not?*

** Marketing committee has volunteer to run an EOI/RFQ process for an
external vendor to do the work (see

** Although we reached out to Alex Mandel it was unclear if the 15K request
from SAC took this initiative into account?*

*Since it was unclear we have penciled in 8K for SAC as part of
budget/fundraising target. The draft budget
<https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Budget_2017&gt; has the high level outline.*

*Should fund raising target be met by end of January go/no-go the final
budget for SAC would be 23k. It would be great if a member of SAC could be
involved in the EOI / RFQ process (and present for the go/no-go decision).*

Jody Garnett

On 5 January 2017 at 07:23, Angelos Tzotsos <tzotsos@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Alex,

There are some questions regarding the SAC budget for 2017.
Could we arrange some IRC meeting to discuss?


On 12/30/2016 07:03 PM, Jeffrey Johnson wrote:


Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Remote Sensing Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens

Alex Mandel