[SAC] Re: I think your site has been hacked

thanks for the hint!

Can someone please help, I am off the grid for the better part of the
next two days. The links are artfully greyed out (at least on my device)
but there is something. Ideas how this could happen? It was our hope
that moving to LDAP would solve our Spam issues but apparently not. Sigh.


Exploring Body, Speech and Mind

----- Reply message -----

To: <arnulf@osgeo.org>
Subject: I think your site has been hacked
Date: Wed, May 23, 2012 09:17

Take a look to the source code of this page:


there are some hidden link in the bottom of the page.


ForwardedMessage.eml (4.16 KB)

thanks for the hint!

Can someone please help, I am off the grid for the better part of the
next two days. The links are artfully greyed out (at least on my device)
but there is something. Ideas how this could happen? It was our hope
that moving to LDAP would solve our Spam issues but apparently not. Sigh.

users wiki and wikimouse, I undid the two last changes



I have disabled accounts wiki and wikimouse. I am guessing these are
accounts created interactively by a human. Note that there is essentially
nothing we can do to prevent trac/wiki spamming by humans willing to do
it interactively without becoming a much less open organization. All we
can do is try to roll it back when we see it.

Unfortunately we have a lot of relatively quiet Trac wiki instances like
the GeoTIFF one which are not monitored closely.

Best regards,

On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 9:19 AM, Ari Jolma <ari.jolma@gmail.com> wrote:

On 05/24/2012 07:08 PM, Seven (aka Arnulf) wrote:

thanks for the hint!

Can someone please help, I am off the grid for the better part of the
next two days. The links are artfully greyed out (at least on my device)
but there is something. Ideas how this could happen? It was our hope
that moving to LDAP would solve our Spam issues but apparently not. Sigh.

users wiki and wikimouse, I undid the two last changes



Exploring Body, Speech and Mind

----- Reply message -----

To: <arnulf@osgeo.org>
Subject: I think your site has been hacked
Date: Wed, May 23, 2012 09:17

Take a look to the source code of this page:


there are some hidden link in the bottom of the page.


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