[SAC] Re: LDAP accounts and mapbender.telascience.org

Christoph Baudson (Wheregroup) wrote:

Dear Frank,

unfortunately the whole Mapbender team (except Verena Diewald) is no longer able to log in at mapbender.telascience.org via ssh. Using the LDAP account doesn't work, but I think that is the way it worked last year.

Astrid told me that our accounts are not listed in the password file on that server. Is that even necessary?

Please advise how we should proceed, we need to work on this server in order to prepare a conference presentation.


I have reviewed the system configuration and it appears as if ldap.osge.org
is supposed to be enabled. I went through the procedure at:


and had to reset the ldap.osgeo.org info, but even after this ldap logins
do not seem to be working. I am continuing to work on the issue with
Martin Spott, and we will try to keep you posted.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
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