[SAC] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] foss4g.org

On 22-Nov-07, at 11:48 AM, Paul Ramsey wrote:

So, what's the next step on moving this domain into a position where we can put it to conference use? (Thanks again for the use of it!)

The Systems Committee would have to get the DNS going and then we'd need a site to point it to. Perhaps for now we can have it point to:
http://www.osgeo.org/conference - and add pointers to the past year events from that page.

In my opinion, it would be ideal to have a standard conference system running on that domain. I set up the Open Conference System at:
http://osgeo.org/ocs - but am not sure if anyone other than me has looked at it. I believe it would be best if we could use/re-use a system like that instead of having each event invent their own. It is ideal for allowing managers to manager single event instances. We could also use it to host/manage other events outside of the annual FOSS4G International event.


Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:

On 22-Nov-07, at 11:48 AM, Paul Ramsey wrote:

So, what's the next step on moving this domain into a position where we can put it to conference use? (Thanks again for the use of it!)

The Systems Committee would have to get the DNS going and then we'd need a site to point it to. Perhaps for now we can have it point to:
http://www.osgeo.org/conference - and add pointers to the past year events from that page.

In my opinion, it would be ideal to have a standard conference system running on that domain. I set up the Open Conference System at:
http://osgeo.org/ocs - but am not sure if anyone other than me has looked at it. I believe it would be best if we could use/re-use a system like that instead of having each event invent their own. It is ideal for allowing managers to manager single event instances. We could also use it to host/manage other events outside of the annual FOSS4G International event.

Tyler / Paul,

It is my opinion that for now we should just point the foss4g domain
at the foss4g2008 site, but with a plan of making it more multi-year
for FOSS4G 2009 when we would aim to more directly administer and
manage the site.

I'm also in favor of recurring use of conference management software;
however, when a conference organizer is retained for the conference
they often have their own software and web systems for registration and
so forth. I'm concerned about conflict over that, and a disconnect between
a system administered by us, and a system administered by the conference
organizers (ie. PeopleSA/SeaToSky/etc).

I *would* like to see the DNS entry for foss4g formally transferred to
OSGeo so it is administerable through the same interface we manage the
rest of our domains. In time I'm also interested in doing this for
gdal.org. However, I don't know how to do DNS transfers and the last
one I was involved with (libtiff.org) fell into the hands of pirates
due to some sort of failure in hand off. It was quite a disaster.
So hopefully someone quite savvy with DNS stuff could take responsibility
for the transfer.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

On 22-Nov-07, at 3:19 PM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

It is my opinion that for now we should just point the foss4g domain
at the foss4g2008 site, but with a plan of making it more multi-year
for FOSS4G 2009 when we would aim to more directly administer and
manage the site.

I think it's a good compromise in the short term too.

I'm also in favor of recurring use of conference management software;
however, when a conference organizer is retained for the conference
they often have their own software and web systems for registration and
so forth. I'm concerned about conflict over that, and a disconnect between
a system administered by us, and a system administered by the conference
organizers (ie. PeopleSA/SeaToSky/etc).

Usually the conference planners I've seen offer the website hosting as an optional component. But at any rate, when we have a site/system ready to use, we can make it clear in our RFP that the local committee and companies will have to use it for certain parts. For some tech-savvy conference consultants they may be able to help us improve the system for next year (maybe I'm dreaming) instead of investing in their own - after all they could also use our improved version for their own clients. We would just need to build the confidence that our system could handle the main requirements.


Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:

On 22-Nov-07, at 3:19 PM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

It is my opinion that for now we should just point the foss4g domain
at the foss4g2008 site, but with a plan of making it more multi-year
for FOSS4G 2009 when we would aim to more directly administer and
manage the site.

I think it's a good compromise in the short term too.

It may not be too late for the 2008 organizers to reorganize their site to move everything (except the main index page) under http://foss4g2008.org/2008/.

Then pointing foss4g.org to foss4g2008.org will give URLs starting with http:/foss4g.org/2008/, and there will be no need to reorganize to make it multi-year in 2009... that will be done already. This way the 2008 URLs will not change after the conference and all referencing from external sites will remain valid.

OTOH if you leave things as they are today and just point foss4g.org to foss4g2008.org you are creating URLs under foss4g.org that will inevitably have to move when you reorganize the site for 2009... all external links to the conference program, proceedings, etc will be roken by the 2009 reorganization.

Just my 0.02$
Daniel Morissette