[SAC] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo upcoming events list needs love

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this is only a quick fix and should be replaced by something more
sustainable. If you really want to maintain these events they would have
to be entered in all languages we support (thanks to the dead old Drupal
version we have there seems to be no quick fix).

Plus News is already a bottleneck...

The longer I see the trouble we have with the web site the more I think
the Wiki is the better place for this type of stuff.


PS: Changed from Discuss to Your Eyes Only + SAC. Maybe somebody gets
enthusiastic and takes on the job, I don't want to quench any thirst for
volunteer work...

There are also tickets associated with this:

Opened 6 years ago. Gulp!

Maybe we really should put some effort into reviving WebCom and giving
it broader remit. The current OSGeo web site is anti-marketing. I mean
we are supposed to be tech gods, right?

On 30.10.2013 18:15, Daniel Morissette wrote:

Dear OSGeo Community (CC: news_item@osgeo.org),

The OSGeo upcoming events list badly needs love, it is essentially empty:


It would be great if we collectively could adopt a more proactive
approach to keeping this list up to date.

For now, here are a few events I could think of, could
news_item@osgeo.org please add them to the list:

- FOSS4G 2014, Portland, Sept 8-13, 2014, http://2014.foss4g.org/

- Vienna Code Sprint, March 24-28 2014, http://vienna2014.sprint.osgeo.org/

- LocationTech Tour, Nov. 4 to 14, 2013, http://tour.locationtech.org/

- FOSS4G-Europe, summer 2014??, http://foss4g-e.org/

- FOSSGIS 2014, March 19-21, 2014, http://www.fossgis.de/

Other event organizers and community members, please forward your
OSGeo-related events info to news_item@osgeo.org

Thanks to all

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Hi Arnulf, Daniel,

I’m happy to take on a more active role, I’ve promised to do a test deployment of Drupal 8 [1]
(the focus of this D8 release is even better multilingual support - Drupal already leads the field in this area)

Transifex has been suggested, both for OSGeo Live and for translations on the main site [2]


Pootle [3] has been mentioned a couple of times in the past few years, and was recently dropped into the mix again on the webcom mailing list - I’ve no idea about Pootle and haven’t looked at it yet.

Finally, Alex suggested that we may be better off with a Django site - I’ve not read about internationalization in Django, but here’s a relevant link [4].

We’re short of resources to evaluate all options extensively, my feeling at the moment is to see how the D8 evaluation goes and then decide whether to pursue it - or we can make a final decision to leave Drupal behind.

I’m a bit reluctant to hack the old Drupal site to workaround http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/202 when the time would be better spent working on a properly engineered migration, but if the D8 evaluation fails then I’m happy to invest some energy to get a reasonable fix for #202.

Frank’s given me access to the new VM to evaluate a possible migration - and there’ll be sufficient time over the holiday season - but a remit from the board to pursue this (in the order suggested above) would really help before committing the necessary time to this.


[1] http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Drupal-8-td5080183.html
[2] https://www.transifex.com/
[3] http://pootle.translatehouse.org/
[4] http://www.djangobook.com/en/2.0/chapter19.html

On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 5:31 PM, Arnulf Christl <arnulf.christl@metaspatial.net> wrote:

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this is only a quick fix and should be replaced by something more
sustainable. If you really want to maintain these events they would have
to be entered in all languages we support (thanks to the dead old Drupal
version we have there seems to be no quick fix).

Plus News is already a bottleneck…

The longer I see the trouble we have with the web site the more I think
the Wiki is the better place for this type of stuff.


PS: Changed from Discuss to Your Eyes Only + SAC. Maybe somebody gets
enthusiastic and takes on the job, I don’t want to quench any thirst for
volunteer work…

There are also tickets associated with this:

Opened 6 years ago. Gulp!

Maybe we really should put some effort into reviving WebCom and giving
it broader remit. The current OSGeo web site is anti-marketing. I mean
we are supposed to be tech gods, right?

On 30.10.2013 18:15, Daniel Morissette wrote:

Dear OSGeo Community (CC: news_item@osgeo.org),

The OSGeo upcoming events list badly needs love, it is essentially empty:


It would be great if we collectively could adopt a more proactive
approach to keeping this list up to date.

For now, here are a few events I could think of, could
news_item@osgeo.org please add them to the list:

Other event organizers and community members, please forward your
OSGeo-related events info to news_item@osgeo.org

Thanks to all

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


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