[SAC] RE: [WebCom] Mailing list name

Me too.

I think it's difficult for SAC to unilaterally change project-specific
lists. Well, it's not difficult, but I think that SAC might feel
uncomfortable doing so. We should probably change gdal-announce to
gdal_announce though :slight_smile:

In any case, I think these should be changed sooner rather than later
while the "transition" excuse is still valid. At least for MapGuide and
WebCom, but I think that the mail_* lists should also be changed and all
the _issues and _commits lists dropped / hidden.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Bray
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 13:31
To: Frank Warmerdam
Cc: Jason Birch; webcommittee_dev@lists.osgeo.org; Shawn Barnes
Subject: Re: [WebCom] Mailing list name

Unless I have been dropped from the SAC mailing list I have not seen a
lot of traffic on this. I have support from the MapGuide PSC to change
the list names for MapGuide to mapguide-*. I think its important we
drive this to closure and make the changes sooner rather than later.

My two cents...


Frank Warmerdam wrote:

Jason Birch wrote:

I'd like to change the mailing list name for webcommittee_dev@ to
webcom@ , and dump the other webcommittee_* lists.


I'd also like to rename the www_news-item@ list to news-item@ and
dump the www_admin@ and www_cvs@ lists.

The www_news-item list isn't used. There is now a news_item@osgeo.org

alias so that list should be blown away.


There are quite a few other lists that need cleanup similar to this,
but there are likely better forums for that cleanup?

There is a more comprehensive list naming thread underway on the sac
list under the assumption that mailing lists are a SAC responsibility.

Best regards,

Jason Birch wrote:

Me too.

I think it's difficult for SAC to unilaterally change project-specific
lists. Well, it's not difficult, but I think that SAC might feel
uncomfortable doing so. We should probably change gdal-announce to
gdal_announce though :slight_smile:


Agreed. I'm sure Shawn and SAC are hesitant to change things for projects
or committees without consultantion, as they should be.

Nice gdal_announce jab. :slight_smile:

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org