[SAC] Re: [Webcom] New website theme is up (not the content though)

thanks for the update on this. It would really be a waste of resources
to not move forward with the great work you have done here, I really
like the new design much better than the defaulted and somewhat dreary
site we have now. But I can also see we that we need to find web
interested folks and revitalize WebCom if this is going to get anywhere.
Let' wait a bit and see if someone lurking on this list steps up.

In my opinion what we have is good - but could be a lot better with the
new design. I am happy to help with rearranging existing content and
helping to write up new missing bits but cannot get into the technical
details. I would have expected the technical background of our website
to a naturally fall into the domain of SAC - but know well that this
committee is already well loaded with work. Ideas, comments?


On 10/25/2011 02:09 PM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

For some reason I'm feeling responsible for the website, not sure how
I ended up here, but I really feel a bit stuck - technically, logistically...

The short story - there are three things going on:

1. Migration to a new server - enough fun on a normal day :slight_smile:

2. Upgrade to at least one newer version (Drupal 5->7 preferred).
Unfortunately it's becoming hard to find the same modules in
newer versions, in particular ones like LDAP authentication and
learning how international translations will be handled.

3. Theme change - the theme is ready for Drupal 6, but it is designed
for use in a different "portal" style website. This requires some new
content to be created. Basically, new pages are needed for almost
every one of the key items shown in the menus at: http://www3.osgeo.org/

It can be a great site, and I think there is interest but technically
few people that have the time to help out.

I'm biting off as much of this as I can chew over the upcoming few
weeks (I'll be off for a week on Wed).

Aside from the new content, we could use a specific Drupal Master Admin
Guru - or move to a different framework if someone wants to take
that on. Upgrading has just been too painful, but that's just for me!

We lost Wolf due to time availability and he'd whip through this in a
weekend just for fun. Maybe if you can offer a free cruise (with him locked
in his cabin with only wifi) he'd work magic :wink:

Hope that helps,

On 2011-10-24, at 8:20 PM, Seven (aka Arnulf) wrote:

Paging WebCom, paging WebCom. Any news on this?

Side note: The Mailing list did not have a moderator, I added myself as
transitional moderator, please someone take ownership.


On 07/19/2011 07:30 AM, Markus Neteler wrote:

Hi Webcom,

just curious about the state of the new Drupal theme - will it go online?


On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 2:20 AM, Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo)
<tmitchell@osgeo.org> wrote:

Hi all, you can take a peek at:

http://www3.osgeo.org - this is a *raw* import from the designers who
converted our design into a Drupal theme.

If it was just a theme though I'd be able to easily apply this to the our
migrated site where I started the import. However, they also pre-loaded this
into a Drupal instance and set up some sample nodes that link to empty pages
to show off main->secondary page functionality. I can get the basics going in
the migrated site but can't figure out how they loaded the "secondary" page
style or make nice bold headings in the front page blocks.. etc.

== TODO ==

Sooo... the next thing to do is to decide whether it's more work to try to get
this theme/templates running on our migrated site (www2) or to do the
migration import directly into this (www3) site. Any pro Drupalers have an

I've also put the raw files accessible in svn:

Register on www3 and shoot me an email to confirm if you'd like in to poke


Tyler Mitchell
Executive Director, OSGeo
See you at FOSS4 2011 Denver in September!
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