[SAC] Re: [Webcom] Upgrading Drupal to 5.3

On 26.10.2007 19:22, Frank Warmerdam wrote:


The plan sounds good to me. I think it would be prudent to extend an
account and sudo access on osgeo1 to you as well so that you can do
your own mysql dumps, etc. I will make such a motion on the SAC list.

Thanks, that will indeed make it easier.

I'd suggest you write up the plan a bit in the wiki, and work with
Howard and/or Shawn on dns changes.

I have created a wiki page [1] where I have written a verbose upgrade
plan. Please comment! Also if anyone has the password for the 'admin'
user in our Drupal sites, I'd appreciate it if it could be sent to me in
some way, otherwise I'll have to hack in a new password during the
upgrade. (SQL update table) :wink:

The DNS changes are prominently displayed on the top of the preliminary
tasks. Do I need to make a trac ticket? Who is responsible for Apache?
WebCom or SAC?

[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Drupal_Upgrade_Plan



<:3 )---- Wolf Bergenheim ----( 8:>

Wolf Bergenheim wrote:

I have created a wiki page [1] where I have written a verbose upgrade
plan. Please comment! Also if anyone has the password for the 'admin'
user in our Drupal sites, I'd appreciate it if it could be sent to me in
some way, otherwise I'll have to hack in a new password during the
upgrade. (SQL update table) :wink:


Get the admin password from Tyler when he is available. The plan looks ok
based on a skim from me. I have linked the plan from the SAC and WebCom pages
and added the corresponding category items at the bottom.

How long do you anticipate osgeo1 being locked up? If it will be more than
a day or two, I'd suggest trying to do it in two passes. Clone osgeo1's
config on osgeo2, upgrade it and then when you are happy with it, lock
osgeo1 - reclone the content from osgeo1 to osgeo2 again, verify and port
it all back to osgeo1.

For the sake of content creators we would prefer osgeo1 to not be locked
down for too long.

Process-wise, I'd suggest you get the plan approved by webcom by email
motion (with perhaps a little more timeline detail first), get an ok from
Howard on behalf of SAC (but without a vote really needed), and make sure
that the mapbender, mapguide, and fdo folks are kept aware of the plans and

The DNS changes are prominently displayed on the top of the preliminary
tasks. Do I need to make a trac ticket? Who is responsible for Apache?
WebCom or SAC?

If you want to do the changes, I'd suggest just making sure that Howard
or Shawn have reviewed your plan, and review the configuration post
change. Alternately you could file a trac ticket against SAC to add the
CNAMEs and get Shawn or Howard to do it.

I think of SAC as being responsible for anything that needs to be done
by logging in by ssh, and webcom as anything that can be done through
drupal but part of the rationale on my part for having you a full SAC
member is so that details of who is responsible for these borderline
items will not matter. You are empowered by both committees to do what
needs to be done.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

Hi Wolf,

Looks like a good plan. Few questions:

- Are you going to be scripting out the admin/writer/translator roles in a way that allows you to script them back in again?

- I couldn't tell for sure... Are you maybe missing the steps to point the individual virtual hosts to /var/www/osgeo, etc? Are you making copies of the "files" directory for each as a starting point (since separating the content would be a nightmare...)?

- Are you sure that all of the sites are running the OSGeo theme? I though that MapGuide (at least) was running a slightly different one.


On 28.10.2007 21:24, Jason Birch wrote:

Hi Wolf,

Looks like a good plan. Few questions:

- Are you going to be scripting out the admin/writer/translator roles
in a way that allows you to script them back in again?

I don't need to be able to script them back, since I make a DB dump
BEFORE I remove the write permissions. I can restore them by restoring
the DB :wink: Which I will eventually do.

- I couldn't tell for sure... Are you maybe missing the steps to
point the individual virtual hosts to /var/www/osgeo, etc? Are you
making copies of the "files" directory for each as a starting point
(since separating the content would be a nightmare...)?

No it's actually quite simple. Drupal contains an entry for each
uploaded file. IOW I can use this command to see which files belong to fdo:

echo "select filepath from files;" | sudo mysql -N fdo_db

And files which don't have entries, well those I can copy to all locations.

- Are you sure that all of the sites are running the OSGeo theme? I
though that MapGuide (at least) was running a slightly different one.

It certainly looks like OSGeo. And the idea is that the new theme will
be called osgeo, but will have modifiable elements like the logo, and
slogan, etc. And thus will be customizable for each site, and each site
will have the same osgeo "look"



<:3 )---- Wolf Bergenheim ----( 8:>

I don't need to be able to script them back, since I make
a DB dump BEFORE I remove the write permissions. I can
restore them by restoring the DB :wink: Which I will eventually do.

Ahh, gotcha...

> (since separating the content would be a nightmare...)?

No it's actually quite simple. Drupal contains an entry for
each uploaded file. IOW I can use this command to see which
files belong to fdo:

I could be wrong, but I think you'll probably find that the majority of
the files were not uploaded through Drupal. Icky historical stuff.

It certainly looks like OSGeo. And the idea is that the
new theme will be called osgeo, but will have modifiable
elements like the logo, and slogan, etc. And thus will

That would be cool; better than slightly different individual themes.
