[SAC] SAC services : Access to local chapters

Hi dear System Administration Committee,

We, the French OSGeo local chapter, are looking to renew our infrastructure in order to make it easier to update and maintain, and less dependent of google.

While discussing those services, it occurs to us that some are already provided by SAC. I think about Gitea, Nextcloud, Collabora.
Are local chapters allowed to use those ressources ? If yes, in what limits ?

Best wishes,

Nicolas Roelandt
OSGeo Chapter Member
OSGeo-fr board (System Administration)

On 7/24/19 12:36, Nicolas Roelandt wrote:

Hi dear System Administration Committee,

We, the French OSGeo local chapter, are looking to renew our infrastructure
in order to make it easier to update and maintain, and less dependent of

While discussing those services, it occurs to us that some are already
provided by SAC. I think about Gitea, Nextcloud, Collabora.
Are local chapters allowed to use those ressources ? If yes, in what limits

Best wishes,

Nicolas Roelandt
OSGeo Chapter Member
OSGeo-fr board (System Administration)

Yes, you can use them, anything OSGeo related is welcome.

There might be some storage quota limits, you can suggest a starting
size for Nextcloud and we can bump it up later if needed.

OSGeo Sys Admin Comm

Hi Alex, All,
Sorry for the late reply, but that is great news !
We will do an estimation on the storage need thank you.

What will be a good practice ? I would like to create an OSGeo-fr account that store everything and provides accesses to OSGeo-fr board member.
In that way, the account is not person related. What are the accounts policies in OSGeo ?

I’ll check with the OSGeo-fr board, but we might have document we don’t want to publish (invoices, quotes), is that possible to keep it private ?

Thanks again for your response,

Best regards,

Nicolas Roelandt
OSGeo Chapter Member
OSGeo-fr board (System Administration)


Bien cordialement,

Nicolas Roelandt

mail: roelandtn.pro@gmail.com

mobile: +33 (0)6 42 40 42 55

twitter: @RoelandtN42

I would recommend everyone using their own OSGeo user id, and you can manage which individuals have access as the membership of the OSGeo-fr board changes.


Jody Garnett