[SAC] SSL.com reminder - ssl certificate expiration digest

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: SSL.com reminder - ssl certificate expiration digest
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2019 16:10:13 +0000
From: reminder@ssl.com
To: dnscontact@osgeo.org

Dear Osgeo Admins

You are receiving this courtesy email because you have ordered or
purchased your certificate(s) from SSL.com.

This is a reminder that the SSL.com certificate(s) for the domains named
below have expired or are expiring:

    1) *.osgeo.org expires in 29 days on May 01, 2019 (renew here:
https://www.ssl.com/certificate_orders/co-391bi4jn9/renew - ref #

When renewing, any remaining time from your expiring SSL/TLS
certificate, up to 90 days, will be added to your renewal certificate so
that you do not lose any SSL/TLS coverage.

If you need to reset your username or password, please visit

Thank you for choosing SSL.com - we look forward to continuing to
provide you with the most cost-effective certificates in the market.

Kind Regards,

Toll Free: 877-SSL-Secure (877-775-7328)
Intl: SSL-Certificates (+1-775-237-8434)

Email Preferences

SSL.com certificate expiration reminders are a courtesy to currently
registered ssl.com users. If you'd like to refine
the types of email messages you receive, or if you'd prefer to stop
receiving email from us, please log into your
account at: https://www.ssl.com.