[SAC] Stuck on Website Migration

Hi all, I've been working on migrating the main www.osgeo.org sites over to new infrastructure
but realise it's more than I can realistically handle at this point in time, mostly because we
currently run Drupal v5 and I can't handle the migration to a new server, plus upgrade to v6 or v7,
plus implement new theming as well as new content...

What I've been able to do:
* Put up a skeleton of the site at www3.osgeo.org using the new theme (Drupal v6)
* Put up a raw copy of the site at www2.osgeo.org - without a proper front page or full use
of the new theme (Drupal v6)
* Put up a basic copy of a Drupal v7 site at http://www-new.osgeo.org/ with parts of the
redesigned theme (v7) in action

1. Moving FDO and MGOS sites as well
2. Deciding on v6 or v7 site
3. Some modules between v5 and v6 and v7 aren't available
4. Can't get LDAP module in v6 or v7 working
5. Can't get SSL running properly for secure logins
6. New theme requires some new content to be created, as outlined at
http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/marketing/website/sitemap/sitemap.svg (green links are
existing content, black are new ones that are needed)

More issues have popped up but these are the main ones. I have limited time available
to help with this so am just putting it on your radar as an area where someone else needs to
"own" the website as a project or a broader community review of the website needs (along
with new solutions/ideas) may be in order.

If you are interest/available to take this over, I suggest to introduce yourself and your interest
on the webcom or SAC lists. I'm available for questions but have limited time to do much
technical work at this point.


Hi all,

First off I haven’t really had time to examine the work done so far, but I’ll try to make some time in the near future :slight_smile:

On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 21:52, Tyler Mitchell <tmitchell@osgeo.org> wrote:


  1. Moving FDO and MGOS sites as well

Not that much of a challenge as AFAIR they are not using anything special. It’s just content hosting.

  1. Deciding on v6 or v7 site

I would recommend to go to D7 directly if at all possible since we will anyway need to eventually upgrade to 7. This would save us from one more upgrade, but see below.

  1. Some modules between v5 and v6 and v7 aren’t available

Yes. These need to be mapped and a suitable replacement needs to be found… This is probably one of the most time-consuming tasks since it involves investigating what is out there and how they work and how to convert content. I recommend that we do this as a team-effort. We have the list of D5 modules installed on the Wiki somewhere (2 am, not time to look at the moment). So each volunteer would then pick a D5 module and look for possible upgrade paths for it. It won’t take that long time per module, but there are very many of them…

  1. Can’t get LDAP module in v6 or v7 working

We have 2 options:

  1. Invest time to fix one of the existing LDAP solutions to work for us (and contrib the code back)
  2. Look for an alternative solution. Once could be to use some other authentication mechanism which would be better at talking to our LDAP server. http://www.openid-ldap.org/ is one such example. Drupal talks OpenID quite well for instance.
  1. Can’t get SSL running properly for secure logins

Here is what I found by googling a bit on the subject. In summary I can say that it seems to be possible for D7 and D6 for sure. There is module but it seems to be a bit buggy for D7 as explained here:

  1. New theme requires some new content to be created, as outlined at
    http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/marketing/website/sitemap/sitemap.svg (green links are
    existing content, black are new ones that are needed)

Okay, these WILL require time. Would it be possible to make some sort of more maintainable list, so that we can check off the pages when they are done, or then have a content-sprint and create all page stubbs and as many full conteent pages as possible?

More issues have popped up but these are the main ones. I have limited time available
to help with this so am just putting it on your radar as an area where someone else needs to
“own” the website as a project or a broader community review of the website needs (along
with new solutions/ideas) may be in order.

If you are interest/available to take this over, I suggest to introduce yourself and your interest
on the webcom or SAC lists. I’m available for questions but have limited time to do much
technical work at this point.

I can at least serve as an adviser or mentor, but I also have quite limited time, but I’ll see if I can arrange some time.

Hope this helps,
Wolf Bergenheim

Hi all,

I'm with some more time available to help in this huge effort (our local chapter annual event was last week).

We can keep both sites (the old D5 and the new D7) up and running to allow a soft/slower transition. So, let's put the D7 as the OSGeo front end soon as we fix the login (ldap/ssl) problem and then improve it as we can.

So, my approach is:
i) support LDAP logins in D7 http://www-new.osgeo.org/
ii) support SSL in D7 http://www-new.osgeo.org/
iii) make it the OSGeo home, with links to the old D5 site
iv) add modules, contents, etc



P.S. I'm running D7 in our local chapter, http://osgeopt.pt, with LDAP support (also shared wiki.osgeopt.pt and blog.osgeopt.pt sites), but not with SSL.

Currently, every local member has to register on the wiki (Mediawiki sw) that has LDAP read/write support. The wiki registration process creates the account on the LDAP, and afterwards users can login on the D7 site and on Wordpress based blog.

Em 08-11-2011 20:52, Tyler Mitchell escreveu:

Hi all, I've been working on migrating the main www.osgeo.org sites over to new infrastructure
but realise it's more than I can realistically handle at this point in time, mostly because we
currently run Drupal v5 and I can't handle the migration to a new server, plus upgrade to v6 or v7,
plus implement new theming as well as new content...

What I've been able to do:
* Put up a skeleton of the site at www3.osgeo.org using the new theme (Drupal v6)
* Put up a raw copy of the site at www2.osgeo.org - without a proper front page or full use
of the new theme (Drupal v6)
* Put up a basic copy of a Drupal v7 site at http://www-new.osgeo.org/ with parts of the
redesigned theme (v7) in action

1. Moving FDO and MGOS sites as well
2. Deciding on v6 or v7 site
3. Some modules between v5 and v6 and v7 aren't available
4. Can't get LDAP module in v6 or v7 working
5. Can't get SSL running properly for secure logins
6. New theme requires some new content to be created, as outlined at
http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/marketing/website/sitemap/sitemap.svg (green links are
existing content, black are new ones that are needed)

More issues have popped up but these are the main ones. I have limited time available
to help with this so am just putting it on your radar as an area where someone else needs to
"own" the website as a project or a broader community review of the website needs (along
with new solutions/ideas) may be in order.

If you are interest/available to take this over, I suggest to introduce yourself and your interest
on the webcom or SAC lists. I'm available for questions but have limited time to do much
technical work at this point.

Sac mailing list

We can keep both sites (the old D5 and the new D7) up and running to allow a soft/slower transition. So, let's put the D7 as the OSGeo front end soon as we fix the login (ldap/ssl) problem and then improve it as we can.

Sounds good. I'll get the D5 running on our new hardware, and look into the LDAP/SSL issues again to see where it's at and let you know.


On 11/09/2011 10:04 AM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

We can keep both sites (the old D5 and the new D7) up and running to allow a soft/slower transition. So, let's put the D7 as the OSGeo front end soon as we fix the login (ldap/ssl) problem and then improve it as we can.

Sounds good. I'll get the D5 running on our new hardware, and look into the LDAP/SSL issues again to see where it's at and let you know.


Am I missing something with Drupal, shouldn't the SSL part be handled by the Apache vhost config?
Basically you create a duplicate vhost config to the regular one but enable the SSL cert. Then for the /login urls on the port 80 vhost you redirect to https on the 443 vhost?

I'll double check with my coworker who runs all of my lab's Drupal sites.


On 11-11-09 09:20 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:

On 11/09/2011 10:04 AM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

We can keep both sites (the old D5 and the new D7) up and running to allow a
soft/slower transition. So, let's put the D7 as the OSGeo front end soon as
we fix the login (ldap/ssl) problem and then improve it as we can.

Sounds good. I'll get the D5 running on our new hardware, and look into the
LDAP/SSL issues again to see where it's at and let you know.


Am I missing something with Drupal, shouldn't the SSL part be handled by the
Apache vhost config?
Basically you create a duplicate vhost config to the regular one but enable the
SSL cert. Then for the /login urls on the port 80 vhost you redirect to https
on the 443 vhost?

I'll double check with my coworker who runs all of my lab's Drupal sites.


I'd like to point out that part of this conversation is taking place on the
Webcom list. I realize there is a bit of mixed responsbilities (webcom
for content and SAC for infrastructure) but I'm worried some people are
only seeing half the conversation. I'd like to encourage having the
discussion on the webcom list.


Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/warmerda
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Software Developer

Hi, just a short comment before the discussion leaves the list (well,
maybe it already did .... :wink:

On Wed, Nov 09, 2011 at 12:18:34PM +0000, Jorge Gustavo wrote:

So, my approach is:
i) support LDAP logins in D7 http://www-new.osgeo.org/
ii) support SSL in D7 http://www-new.osgeo.org/

Please swap these two: Getting SSL encryption working should be the
first step _before_ people start sending their unencrypted LDAP
passwords over The Net. Generally speaking your PW is already to be
considered as being compromised even if you've done that just one
single time.
Now think of how many services you're using with this password ....

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

Hash: SHA1

On 10.11.2011 09:26, Martin Spott wrote:

Hi, just a short comment before the discussion leaves the list (well,
maybe it already did .... :wink:

Not sure whether it is a good idea to leave this list. We need to
somehow integrate the Web site into the responsibilities of SAC if we
want to avoid that we lag 2 versions behind current release of the CMS

On Wed, Nov 09, 2011 at 12:18:34PM +0000, Jorge Gustavo wrote:

So, my approach is:
i) support LDAP logins in D7 http://www-new.osgeo.org/
ii) support SSL in D7 http://www-new.osgeo.org/

Please swap these two: Getting SSL encryption working should be the
first step _before_ people start sending their unencrypted LDAP
passwords over The Net. Generally speaking your PW is already to be
considered as being compromised even if you've done that just one
single time.
Now think of how many services you're using with this password ....


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