[SAC] [support.osuosl.org #23488] OSGeo tracsvn2 unavailable

Hi Justin,

to me it looks like booting the current OSGeo VM's on the given
infrastructure isn't too reliable as long as we're using a boot loader
inside the VM on Debian 7. Could you therefore please equip the
"tracsvn2" VM with an external boot loader and kernel in the same way
as the "webextra" has been set up ?

In the long term I think we're looking for a different solution: Either
to get reliable and early (!) console access to the VM's so we can fix
boot loader issues by ourselves and/or extend the first block device to
allow for a bigger embedding area - and thus allow the use of GRUB2.

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

Hi Lance,

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 09:25:50AM -0700, Lance Albertson via RT wrote:

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 8:32 AM, Martin Spott via RT <support@osuosl.org>wrote:

> to me it looks like booting the current OSGeo VM's on the given
> infrastructure isn't too reliable as long as we're using a boot loader
> inside the VM on Debian 7. Could you therefore please equip the
> "tracsvn2" VM with an external boot loader and kernel in the same way
> as the "webextra" has been set up ?

Can you please remind me how "webextra" was setup?

As I can't look into the details of the particular KVM config, I'll try
a guess. "uname -r" says:


Therefore I suspect that someone (TM :wink: has hooked a Gentoo boot
disk image into the VM setup. The Ganeti page says:

  Kernel Path /boot/guest/vmlinuz-x86_64

Best regards,
Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 08:57:09AM -0700, Lance Albertson via RT wrote:

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 3:37 AM, Martin Spott via RT <support@osuosl.org>wrote:

> As I can't look into the details of the particular KVM config, I'll try
> a guess. "uname -r" says:
> 3.4.6-gentoo-osl-guest-x86_64-1
> Therefore I suspect that someone (TM :wink: has hooked a Gentoo boot
> disk image into the VM setup. The Ganeti page says:
> Kernel Path /boot/guest/vmlinuz-x86_64

That's odd. We normally don't do that for non-gentoo hosts and I'd prefer
to stay away from that as we're moving away from maintaining those kernel
images. But I agree it makes it easier to deploy.

Has the problem only been when upgrading the VM to grub2? We haven't
updated the images in a long time, maybe we should focus on fixing that as

Using the Gentoo boot image is a rather pragmatic solution and
personally I'm fine with it, as long as it works. At least it's by
magnitudes better than a host not being reboot-safe :slight_smile:

Note that since I don't have access to the GRUB error messages on our
OSGeo VM's, my opinion is based on "educated guesses" only. Now, as
far as I can tell, the breakage relates to the embedding area being too
small for GRUB2, an issue I've experienced on various machines which
had initially been set up with Debian5.

I assume that's a general birth defect affecting all of our VM's and
can be fixed by prepending a few, let's say 10 MBytes at the
*beginning* of each virtual boot disk, followed by adjusting the
partition table accordingly and re-installing the boot loader.

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !