[SAC] SVN and trac for my project

Hello, I just yesterday susbscribed to this list,

I'm looking for a good SVN+trac platform for my project, a stack of Perl modules and one or two small C libraries, which build on things like GEOS and GDAL. It's called Geoinformatica.

Currently I'm hosting it on HOSLAB https://hoslab.cs.helsinki.fi/savane/ but, really it's not a very good one. The SVN setup is a cumbersome - doesn't allow anonymous checkouts for example. The bug tracking system is Savane, which I'm learning to hate. It does not support daily snapshots nor test builds.

This is a very small project (I wonder why ;), with only two to four active developers, but I'm keen on improving the quality of its management.

What does the SAC say?



Prof. Ari Jolma
Environmental Management Information Technology
Teknillinen korkeakoulu / Helsinki University of Technology
tel: +358 9 451 3812 address: POBox 5300, 02015 TKK, Finland
Email: ari.jolma at tkk.fi http://geoinformatics.tkk.fi/twiki/bin/view/Main/AriJolmaHomePage

On 04.09.2008 09:57, Ari Jolma wrote:

What does the SAC say?


While not a full fledged OSGeo project, I don't see any reason why we
shouldn't support smaller projects too by hosting svn + trac + maybe a
list for them. I suppose we should make some kind of a policy. That we
always accept projects like these or always turn them down. I say
support them, since after initial set-up it doesn't require any
additional work (over the usual). I think that Howard's mailing list
request falls into the same category. We should definitely limit this to
members only or simply go with decide on a per-request basis.

Oh one more point. :wink: We should keep track of the non-project projects
too, so that we know what we have. Perhaps a page in the Trac wiki?



<:3 )---- Wolf Bergenheim ----( 8:>

Wolf Bergenheim wrote:

Oh one more point. :wink: We should keep track of the non-project projects
too, so that we know what we have. Perhaps a page in the Trac wiki?


I would suggest we add them at:


but segregated out as non-OSGeo projects hosted by OSGeo.

I've tried keeping stuff like this up to date in the wiki in the past,
but as long as we already have the web page at the trac root that seems
like a more natural place. And doing it in too many places is bad (IMHO).

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

Ari Jolma wrote:

Hello, I just yesterday susbscribed to this list,

I'm looking for a good SVN+trac platform for my project, a stack of Perl modules and one or two small C libraries, which build on things like GEOS and GDAL. It's called Geoinformatica.

Currently I'm hosting it on HOSLAB https://hoslab.cs.helsinki.fi/savane/ but, really it's not a very good one. The SVN setup is a cumbersome - doesn't allow anonymous checkouts for example. The bug tracking system is Savane, which I'm learning to hate. It does not support daily snapshots nor test builds.

This is a very small project (I wonder why ;), with only two to four active developers, but I'm keen on improving the quality of its management.

What does the SAC say?

+1, and I would be willing to set up the instance.

I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

Frank Warmerdam kirjoitti:

+1, and I would be willing to set up the instance.


How does that happen? Do I give you a svn access to hoslab? For that I need your public key to add into hoslab. The URL is svn+ssh://ajolma@hoslab/svngeoinformatica - it's difficult to set up in a Windows box (can be done with putty at least) but easier in Linux.

I can start the tickets from zero, there's only few in hoslab.



Prof. Ari Jolma
Environmental Management Information Technology
Teknillinen Korkeakoulu / Helsinki University of Technology
tel: +358 9 4511 address: POBox 5300, 02015 TKK, Finland
Email: ari.jolma at tkk.fi URL: http://geoinformatics.tkk.fi

On 04.09.2008 22:49, Ari Jolma wrote:

Frank Warmerdam kirjoitti:

+1, and I would be willing to set up the instance.


How does that happen? Do I give you a svn access to hoslab? For that I
need your public key to add into hoslab.

I think that this is what you should do:




<:3 )---- Wolf Bergenheim ----( 8:>

Wolf Bergenheim kirjoitti:

On 04.09.2008 22:49, Ari Jolma wrote:

Frank Warmerdam kirjoitti:

+1, and I would be willing to set up the instance.


How does that happen? Do I give you a svn access to hoslab? For that I
need your public key to add into hoslab.
I think that this is what you should do:

ok... I'm just wondering whether dragging the history along serves any purpose. Basically there's one working codebase, and if a bug is found in old versions that exist, we have the source code of that version. Hell, if it's a Perl issue, then the source code is what has been delivered.

I'll prepare a clean source code tree for import, I just first need to inform / discuss with the existing developers the change.



Prof. Ari Jolma
Environmental Management Information Technology
Teknillinen korkeakoulu / Helsinki University of Technology
tel: +358 9 451 3812 address: POBox 5300, 02015 TKK, Finland
Email: ari.jolma at tkk.fi http://geoinformatics.tkk.fi/twiki/bin/view/Main/AriJolmaHomePage

Ari Jolma kirjoitti:

I'll prepare a clean source code tree for import, I just first need to inform / discuss with the existing developers the change.

Seems that my email just crossed Frank's, where he writes that before anything is really done, the decision needs to be finalized positively by the committee - which takes some days during which objections may be raised. So consider these just as hypothetical considerations...



Prof. Ari Jolma
Environmental Management Information Technology
Teknillinen korkeakoulu / Helsinki University of Technology
tel: +358 9 451 3812 address: POBox 5300, 02015 TKK, Finland
Email: ari.jolma at tkk.fi http://geoinformatics.tkk.fi/twiki/bin/view/Main/AriJolmaHomePage

On Sep 4, 2008, at 11:19 AM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

Ari Jolma wrote:

Hello, I just yesterday susbscribed to this list,
I'm looking for a good SVN+trac platform for my project, a stack of Perl modules and one or two small C libraries, which build on things like GEOS and GDAL. It's called Geoinformatica.
Currently I'm hosting it on HOSLAB https://hoslab.cs.helsinki.fi/savane/ but, really it's not a very good one. The SVN setup is a cumbersome - doesn't allow anonymous checkouts for example. The bug tracking system is Savane, which I'm learning to hate. It does not support daily snapshots nor test builds.
This is a very small project (I wonder why ;), with only two to four active developers, but I'm keen on improving the quality of its management.
What does the SAC say?

+1, and I would be willing to set up the instance.

Declaring this motion passed. Frank will coordinate svn/trac setup and any migration effort (if there is any).


Howard Butler kirjoitti:

Declaring this motion passed. Frank will coordinate svn/trac setup and any migration effort (if there is any).

I have at http://map.hut.fi/files/misc/geoinformatica.zip a package of the repository files. There's no history, it's just the tree of the files. The layout is typical(?) to subversion with all subprojects in their own subdirectories and each with their own branches, tags, and trunk subdirs.

That should be the initial import.

Best regards,


Prof. Ari Jolma
Environmental Management Information Technology
Teknillinen Korkeakoulu / Helsinki University of Technology
tel: +358 9 4511 address: POBox 5300, 02015 TKK, Finland
Email: ari.jolma at tkk.fi URL: http://geoinformatics.tkk.fi