[SAC] sysadmin activity report and planning

While the sysadmin contract gets formalized, I've started logging
time spent in activity and I'd like to ask Martin Spott to confirm
and/or refine a working plan.

For today all I've done was adding logging in the user-editing
form (https://www.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/auth/ldap_edit_user.py),
dealing with new-users registration and filing new tickets for
more LDAP work. In particular a user asking for mantra was found
to have 3 different accounts all created due to lack of password
reset capabilities, so I filed a ticket about setting up a policy
for users merging [1]

[1] https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/1695

So my plan (to be confirmed/reviewd) is as follows:

1. Fix Trac error on submission, as it's blocking legit users:

2. Refuse to create two accounts with the same email:

3. Add email confirmation flow to user creation form:

3. Expose a password reset tool for the web

Martin, please let me know if it sounds good.



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An update: contract is in effect until end of August.

As for tasks, I've fixed the Trac error on submission
(it was a non-working captcha). So now if a submission is found
suspicious, the user will be given the option of solving a captcha.
The weight of a solved (or not solved) captcha is configurable,
if needed. I've created a "spammer" account to test this, if
you want to give it a try against the instance of your project
(maybe because you need some spam in the bayes database) then
let me know and I'll give you the spammer user password.

So left-over tasks ahead (pending approval):

  1. Refuse to create two accounts with the same email:

  2. Add email confirmation flow to user creation form:

  3. Expose a password reset tool for the web
