[SAC] Trac, SVN, git move Plans

I’ve been playing around with the dev container I set up which is a couple weeks old snapshot of trac.osgeo.osuosl.org

You can see the dev sites here – they are hosted on osgeo4 LXD – https://dev.trac.osgeo.org/osgeo

For some reason the front page has links to trac.osgeo.org (but I suspect that’s hard-coded) - https://dev.trac.osgeo.org/ (and we should take off the legacy ones )

Gitea dev is here


Svn dev is here


I need to eventually move the real thing. My plan is as follows.

  1. Next week switch over the DNS so that all trac/svn/git points at OSGeo7 and nginx proxy’s over to trac.osgeo.osuosl.org (this will ensure there is no lag of dns change)

  2. Send out an announcement to discuss, projects lists that trac/svn/gitea will be going down for maintenance the following week

  3. If all is good – Week after I would do the following

a. Send out an announcement again saying I am shutting down the services now and they’ll be down for about 2-3 hrs (optimistically I could be done in an hour)

b. Put a under maintenance note in nginx – so all will show – server is down for maintenance

c. Shutdown postgres service on tracsvn.osgeo.osuosl.org

d. Shutdown apache on tracsvn.osgeo.osuosl.org

e. Do a final lxd2pc container image of tracsvn.osgeo.osuosl.org → pushed to osgeo7 and call it tracsvn-old

f. Start up tracsvn-old and configure the IP etc, as I have already documented in osgeo7 repo - https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/sac/osgeo7/wiki/tracsvn-old–container-in-progress (update the repo with current state once I have it back up as my first test of gitea working)

g. Update the nginx configs for trac.osgeo.org, svn.osgeo.org, git.osgeo.org to point at tracsvn-old container

h. Send out announcement that services are back up and people should try at their earliest opportunity and report back with issues.

i. Add tracsvn to list of containers that should be backed up to osgeo4

j. Update the wiki to reflect trac/gitea/svn have moved and instructions for people who need to ssh to it

Thoughts, suggestions, concerns?

