[SAC] Upcoming Changes 2015

We're planning to swap the dead disk out of osgeo4 on Friday. Hopefully
this will minimize impact on QGIS and OSGeoLive which are both releasing
this week.

Long term, I'm in talks with OSUOSL on a new plan to rack new hardware
and retire OSGeo4. It's unreliable and a power hog (870W redundant).
Turns out OSUOSL's biggest constraints right now are power and staff time.

We should be finalizing a proposal this week to:
1. Rack a new server (latest updated quote, expect 3-5% of the price to
get knocked off for the non-profit price).

2. Rack a FreeBSD build machine Astrodog is donating. He's going to put
a Debian flavored BSD so it will behave similar to debian but be able to
run jails for FreeBSD building. Extra resources can be used for VMs, or
other services (maybe a failover for critical services).

3. Pay for the OSUOSL staff time to get the racking done in a timely manner.

4. Explore a deal to use the OSUOSL Supercell build farm for continuous
integration, etc...

As usual see the wiki for more details.

I'll be back when I have the proposal, to solicit feedback and approvals
for any monetary expenditures.


On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 11:45 PM, Alex Mandel
<tech_dev@wildintellect.com> wrote:

We're planning to swap the dead disk out of osgeo4 on Friday. Hopefully
this will minimize impact on QGIS and OSGeoLive which are both releasing
this week.

... and GRASS GIS 7.0.0 as well.


On 02/21/2015 02:45 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:

We're planning to swap the dead disk out of osgeo4 on Friday. Hopefully
this will minimize impact on QGIS and OSGeoLive which are both releasing
this week.

Long term, I'm in talks with OSUOSL on a new plan to rack new hardware
and retire OSGeo4. It's unreliable and a power hog (870W redundant).
Turns out OSUOSL's biggest constraints right now are power and staff time.

We should be finalizing a proposal this week to:
1. Rack a new server (latest updated quote, expect 3-5% of the price to
get knocked off for the non-profit price).

2. Rack a FreeBSD build machine Astrodog is donating. He's going to put
a Debian flavored BSD so it will behave similar to debian but be able to
run jails for FreeBSD building. Extra resources can be used for VMs, or
other services (maybe a failover for critical services).

3. Pay for the OSUOSL staff time to get the racking done in a timely manner.

4. Explore a deal to use the OSUOSL Supercell build farm for continuous
integration, etc...

As usual see the wiki for more details.

I'll be back when I have the proposal, to solicit feedback and approvals
for any monetary expenditures.


Had to revise the machine hardware based on new information from the
vendor. Now with all SSD drives, newer CPU. Pretty much the same price,
a little less usable disk but still 1.4+ TB after we software raid

Actual price is probably under $6,000.

PS: Shipping to Oregon so there might not be sales tax?
