[SAC] using 3rd party infrastructure for mails and private disk space


on our last board meeting [1] OSGeo Board of directors agreed on starting to use external resource for some of the tasks we need, like private e-mail boxes and shared on-line disk space (with possibility to adjust limited access to some sensitive content)

Would would like to move away some tasks from SAC, so that SAC can focus on more important and timely demanding tasks within OSGeo infrastructure.

We generally agreed on using Google for business, but if you, as SAC members have positive experience with any other provider, we are generally positive to give it a try. Some board members have already made positive experience with Google, therefore we proposed to give it a try.

I have started to create our OSGeo account by Google, but I totally need your assistance with helping us to setup e.g. private mails, so they can work within osgeo.org domain etc.

I’ve filled the ticket [2] to trac, and looking forward to your feedback. Please, let me know what I should do within Google infrastructure, so that everything runs possibly smoothly.


[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2015-09-19#Motions_.28confirmed_by_email.29
[2] https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/1547