[SAC] Using OSGeo LDAP for custom web apps


for QGIS project we are building a new Plugin Repository - a place
where people can share their plugins. The app (in django) will be
hosted in QGIS virtual machine on OSGeo server.

I have only basic basic understanding of LDAP and its usage within
OSGeo, so my questions are:
1. would it be possible to get the access to the LDAP server for doing
user authentication? (I.e. the app sends user/pass, the servers
answers yes/no.) This would help us a lot since we could avoid the
necessity to have another pair of username/password for each author of
a plugin.
2. would it be possible to find out also user's real name and mail address?

In future we would also like to set up a central repository for map
symbols - featuring various import/export filters, so the symbols
could be uploaded/downloaded in virtually any format. Such an
application would make good use of osgeo userids too.


On Nov 29, 2010, at 3:43 PM, ext Martin Dobias wrote:


for QGIS project we are building a new Plugin Repository - a place
where people can share their plugins. The app (in django) will be
hosted in QGIS virtual machine on OSGeo server.

I have only basic basic understanding of LDAP and its usage within
OSGeo, so my questions are:
1. would it be possible to get the access to the LDAP server for doing
user authentication? (I.e. the app sends user/pass, the servers
answers yes/no.) This would help us a lot since we could avoid the
necessity to have another pair of username/password for each author of
a plugin.

The qgis server has access to the OSGeo LDAP information via ldaps.

2. would it be possible to find out also user's real name and mail address?

If you are bound to ldap as a user, I think this information is available,

In future we would also like to set up a central repository for map
symbols - featuring various import/export filters, so the symbols
could be uploaded/downloaded in virtually any format. Such an
application would make good use of osgeo userids too.

-- Chris

Martin Dobias wrote:


for QGIS project we are building a new Plugin Repository - a place
where people can share their plugins. The app (in django) will be
hosted in QGIS virtual machine on OSGeo server.

I have only basic basic understanding of LDAP and its usage within
OSGeo, so my questions are:
1. would it be possible to get the access to the LDAP server for doing
user authentication? (I.e. the app sends user/pass, the servers
answers yes/no.) This would help us a lot since we could avoid the
necessity to have another pair of username/password for each author of
a plugin.


Yes, it is not hard for us to let you authenticate against the
OSGeo LDAP server (at ldap.osgeo.org). I imagine the QGIS VM
is already allowed access to the LDAP server since it is used
for ssh access.

I could likely help you enable this if/when you are ready.

2. would it be possible to find out also user's real name and mail address?

This is a bit more involved as your scripts would need more
privileged access than is normally needed just for authentication.
It is technically possible, though I'd like to know if other
SAC folks have any administrative or security concerns before
we proceeded with this.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 03:52:49PM -0500, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

>2. would it be possible to find out also user's real name and mail address?

This is a bit more involved as your scripts would need more
privileged access than is normally needed just for authentication.
It is technically possible, though I'd like to know if other
SAC folks have any administrative or security concerns before
we proceeded with this.

The user's EMail address in our LDAP directory is 'public' information,
if you're permitted to bind to the service - which, as FrankW pointed
out, is possible from the QGIS VM.

Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

On 11/29/2010 12:43 PM, Martin Dobias wrote:


for QGIS project we are building a new Plugin Repository - a place
where people can share their plugins. The app (in django) will be
hosted in QGIS virtual machine on OSGeo server.

I have only basic basic understanding of LDAP and its usage within
OSGeo, so my questions are:
1. would it be possible to get the access to the LDAP server for doing
user authentication? (I.e. the app sends user/pass, the servers
answers yes/no.) This would help us a lot since we could avoid the
necessity to have another pair of username/password for each author of
a plugin.
2. would it be possible to find out also user's real name and mail address?

In future we would also like to set up a central repository for map
symbols - featuring various import/export filters, so the symbols
could be uploaded/downloaded in virtually any format. Such an
application would make good use of osgeo userids too.



Pirmin and I finished setting up the Redmine test instance on the QGIS
VM with OSGeo LDAP integration. Let us know if you want some help with
the Django app you're working on. At the very least we have a lot of the
info you'll need to know.
