[SAC] Volunteers to moderate new user requests

As you all know, we've taken to screening new registrations by requiring
a mantra on to sign up. So far it does seem to be preventing bad actors
from getting accounts to spam with on the trac instances.

Until we find another way, the downside is that it takes some effort on
our part to respond to the requests. Sandro has been doing 99% of the
requests that come into an email alias we listed on the sign up form.
I'd like to get at least a couple more volunteers to help with this,
especially someone from the QGIS community (large portion of the request
are for QGIS bug tracker).

If you can help out let us know, we'll add you to the alias. All you
need to do is spend a few minutes a day responding to emails you think
come from non-spammers (usually if they don't say why they want an
account we ask). Or if someone needs a password reset, give them the url
for it.


On 27-07-16 18:23, Alex M wrote:

If you can help out let us know, we'll add you to the alias. All you
need to do is spend a few minutes a day responding to emails you think
come from non-spammers (usually if they don't say why they want an
account we ask). Or if someone needs a password reset, give them the url
for it.

I've been reacting to some, forwarded by Sandro.

Please add richard at qgis.org to the list.


Richard Duivenvoorde