[SAC] WebExtraVM - conference sites


I have recreated the MUM03 historical conference site, and I have placed it
on the WebExtraVM as a responsibility of SAC.

I have documented the WebExtraVM at:


I have also taken the liberty of creating an area on the BackupVM for
long term static archiving. In this case I used it for an archival
copy of the MUM03 site, and imagine it being used for other conference
web sites and possible some other kinds of not-too-terribly-large
static archives. This is in /osgeo/backup/longterm on the BackupVM and
is lightly documented in the SAC:Backups topic, and in a README in that

I'm going to work with Paul to host the 2007 FOSS4G site on the WebExtraVM.

I see the 2008 site is using OCS, so it will presumably go with OCS to
the Drupal machine as that migration occurs.

I'd like to migrate other status sites, from osgeo1, likely including
the 2006, 2009 and the main foss4g landing page to the WebExtraVM.
Are there any objections or concerns about that?

Any other sites we should look at caring for? Ottawa OSGIS etc?

I plan to leave the 2010 site on the ProjectsVM till the conference
is over and it becomes static. This makes it easy for the LOC to
manage it themselves.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

On Mon, Aug 02, 2010 at 03:08:13PM -0400, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

I have also taken the liberty of creating an area on the BackupVM for
long term static archiving. In this case I used it for an archival
copy of the MUM03 site, and imagine it being used for other conference
web sites and possible some other kinds of not-too-terribly-large
static archives. This is in /osgeo/backup/longterm on the BackupVM

If I were you, I't propagate the real location, I 'sense' that the
symlinking is going to lead to confusion sooner or later :wink:

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