[SAC] Whitelist georss.org and make archive accessible

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Hi folks,
is this still of any interest or should I just stop bothering? It
would be a pity to leave what's there in this desolate state though.
As I said, I'd be in for a little help. Where is this stuff running
anway? Would it make sense to move it under the OSGeo home?


- -------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fwd: Whitelist georss.org and make archive accessible
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 16:00:22 +0100
From: Seven (aka Arnulf) <seven@arnulf.us>
Organization: Borg Inc.
To: ajturner@highearthorbit.com

I sent the mail below to the GeoRSS mailing list a few days back but
never heard back. The last entry in the history of the main page of
the Wiki is you which is why I contact you. What is the status of
this? Can you help?

I would help to remove some of the crap to come back to a more or less
acceptable status. Probably throw out most and start fresh by copying
the main content. Or do you have other plans?


- -------- Original Message --------
Subject: Whitelist georss.org and make archive accessible
Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2012 13:08:58 +0100
From: Seven (aka Arnulf) <seven@arnulf.us>
Organization: Borg Inc.
To: discuss@lists.georss.org

not sure whether this list is still alive, the archive is not
accessible right now, the message I receive is:

You don't have permission to access
/pipermail/discuss-georss.org/index.html on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to
use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Additionally the website georss.org has been registered as "Dangerous"
by Trend Micro OfficeTrend (see attached HTML, that is all the contact
information I can get). Would it be possible to have them whitelist
georss.org again?


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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://www.enigmail.net/


point.html (11.9 KB)

Hash: SHA1

On 09/20/2012 04:26 PM, Andrew Turner wrote:

Hey Arnulf - definitely listening just traveling, kid, new
organization and lots of project transition.

No problem, just nudging. :slight_smile:

I think there are a few things that can be done here - we should
migrate GeoRSS.org from a mediawiki to something that is easier to
administer and it honestly doesn't need to be as open for free
editing. I think something as simple as a github project using
gh-pages so that it's still georss.org - but use github
infrastructure for hosting. That's what we did for

Great, whatever you think makes sense. In the end SAC will have to
make a decision what suits them best if we migrate to OSGeo
infrastructure. Just prodded around a bit, there is tons os Spam in
the current Wiki so we will really need to pick the stuff which is
intact. I could help by exporting relevant pages using the MediaWiki
frontend, maybe it would help to have a SysAdmin account - and maybe
an extension has to be activates, not sure.

As for the mailing list,etc. I wonder if that is something that
OSGeo would want to help migrate & maintain that would be awesome.

I already chatted with Frank offlist, this should not be a problem,
other than finding someone who would do it (/me has no experience here).

I just don't have the time to maintain it - as I'm still hosting at
least a half-dozen other projects that I'm also trying to push into
more permanent and dedicated maintenance than out of my own pocket
& time.

No justification needed, I'd say you have committed enough for one or
two lifetimes anyway (same goes for Chris).

How would we identify or work with OSGeo to do that?

SAC, things will proceed over the next weeks. If we need you we'll
ping you.



On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 10:17 AM, Seven (aka Arnulf)
<seven@arnulf.us> wrote: Hi folks, is this still of any interest or
should I just stop bothering? It would be a pity to leave what's
there in this desolate state though. As I said, I'd be in for a
little help. Where is this stuff running anway? Would it make sense
to move it under the OSGeo home?

Cheers, Arnulf

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Fwd: Whitelist
georss.org and make archive accessible Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012
16:00:22 +0100 From: Seven (aka Arnulf) <seven@arnulf.us>
Organization: Borg Inc. To: ajturner@highearthorbit.com

Andy, I sent the mail below to the GeoRSS mailing list a few days
back but never heard back. The last entry in the history of the
main page of the Wiki is you which is why I contact you. What is
the status of this? Can you help?

I would help to remove some of the crap to come back to a more or
less acceptable status. Probably throw out most and start fresh by
copying the main content. Or do you have other plans?

Cheers, Arnulf

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Whitelist georss.org
and make archive accessible Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2012 13:08:58 +0100
From: Seven (aka Arnulf) <seven@arnulf.us> Organization: Borg Inc.
To: discuss@lists.georss.org

Hi, not sure whether this list is still alive, the archive is not
accessible right now, the message I receive is:

[EOF] Forbidden You don't have permission to access
/pipermail/discuss-georss.org/index.html on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying
to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. [BOF]

Additionally the website georss.org has been registered as
"Dangerous" by Trend Micro OfficeTrend (see attached HTML, that is
all the contact information I can get). Would it be possible to
have them whitelist georss.org again?

Thanks, Arnulf

- --
Seven of Nine
Exploring Body, Space and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://www.enigmail.net/
