[SAC] Who manages Nabble archives?


Who manages the archives at http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com now?
Jason Birch created them some time ago as stated here:
Anyone has taken it over?
What's the procedure of archiving new lists?

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
Charter Member of OSGeo, http://osgeo.org
Member of ACCU, http://accu.org

Mateusz wrote:

What's the procedure of archiving new lists?

not sure if there's anything OSGeo specific to set up, or if that
just happens automatically, but in general:

diversity is good, so see also Gmane's archive:

e.g. http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.osgeo.discuss


El 19/09/11 03:49, Hamish escribió:

Mateusz wrote:

What's the procedure of archiving new lists?

not sure if there's anything OSGeo specific to set up, or if that
just happens automatically, but in general:

diversity is good, so see also Gmane's archive:

e.g. http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.osgeo.discuss


Hi, I'm cc-ing Jason just in case he's not reading SAC list

Long ago I asked Jason to add a gvSIG category then I added the gvSIG
mailing lists there as subforums so I manage that "leaf" of the OSGeo
tree of archives. Adding a mailing list to nabble is pretty easy.

I remember Jason commenting some time ago to pass the Nabble ball to
someone so if no one is interested and assuming is not so much work, I
can take that responsibility if the SAC agrees.

As Hamish says, archiving elsewhere is easy (at gvSIG we archive also at
gmane and mail-archive.com) but I thing nabble is the most used, even
when gmane offers a news service for old-fashioned readers and blog
style for non-so-old-fashioned ones :slight_smile:


Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas

On 19/09/11 02:49, Hamish wrote:

Mateusz wrote:

What's the procedure of archiving new lists?

not sure if there's anything OSGeo specific to set up, or if that
just happens automatically, but in general:

Yes, I know the procedure, however I'm not sure how to
get the archive under OSGeo.org node.
Anyway, I have created archive for the Tiling ml
and asked the support to import existing posts
and to push it under OSGeo.org


Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
Charter Member of OSGeo, http://osgeo.org
Member of ACCU, http://accu.org

El 19/09/11 15:24, Mateusz Loskot escribió:

On 19/09/11 02:49, Hamish wrote:

Mateusz wrote:

What's the procedure of archiving new lists?

not sure if there's anything OSGeo specific to set up, or if that
just happens automatically, but in general:

Yes, I know the procedure, however I'm not sure how to
get the archive under OSGeo.org node.
Anyway, I have created archive for the Tiling ml
and asked the support to import existing posts
and to push it under OSGeo.org


Best regards,

To import the previous mail we had to provide the nabble support team
an export of the no duplicated mbox archive from mailman.

It took several days but at the end we had all gvSIG mailing lists at

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas

On 09/19/2011 06:00 AM, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas wrote:

El 19/09/11 03:49, Hamish escribió:

Mateusz wrote:

What's the procedure of archiving new lists?

not sure if there's anything OSGeo specific to set up, or if that
just happens automatically, but in general:

diversity is good, so see also Gmane's archive:

e.g. http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.osgeo.discuss


Hi, I'm cc-ing Jason just in case he's not reading SAC list

Long ago I asked Jason to add a gvSIG category then I added the gvSIG
mailing lists there as subforums so I manage that "leaf" of the OSGeo
tree of archives. Adding a mailing list to nabble is pretty easy.

I remember Jason commenting some time ago to pass the Nabble ball to
someone so if no one is interested and assuming is not so much work, I
can take that responsibility if the SAC agrees.

As Hamish says, archiving elsewhere is easy (at gvSIG we archive also at
gmane and mail-archive.com) but I thing nabble is the most used, even
when gmane offers a news service for old-fashioned readers and blog
style for non-so-old-fashioned ones :slight_smile:


Please don't bug Jason about this, he's retired from SAC. We should
figure out how to change the contact at nabble if that's who's listed.
If you want to be in charge Jorge, that sounds good to me.

Make a list of what you need from the mail server and we can start
working on providing that.

I also agree with gmane, and mail-archive. Never hurts to have copies.


On 19 September 2011 18:35, Alex Mandel <tech_dev@wildintellect.com> wrote:

On 09/19/2011 06:00 AM, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas wrote:

El 19/09/11 03:49, Hamish escribió:

Mateusz wrote:

What's the procedure of archiving new lists?

not sure if there's anything OSGeo specific to set up, or if that
just happens automatically, but in general:

diversity is good, so see also Gmane's archive:

e.g. http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.osgeo.discuss


Hi, I'm cc-ing Jason just in case he's not reading SAC list

Long ago I asked Jason to add a gvSIG category then I added the gvSIG
mailing lists there as subforums so I manage that "leaf" of the OSGeo
tree of archives. Adding a mailing list to nabble is pretty easy.

I remember Jason commenting some time ago to pass the Nabble ball to
someone so if no one is interested and assuming is not so much work, I
can take that responsibility if the SAC agrees.

As Hamish says, archiving elsewhere is easy (at gvSIG we archive also at
gmane and mail-archive.com) but I thing nabble is the most used, even
when gmane offers a news service for old-fashioned readers and blog
style for non-so-old-fashioned ones :slight_smile:


Please don't bug Jason about this, he's retired from SAC. We should
figure out how to change the contact at nabble if that's who's listed.
If you want to be in charge Jorge, that sounds good to me.


He's still the person in charge at nabble so I imagine we need some
action by his hand other than asking for his credentials or for nabble
support. If he is not able to do that for whatever reason we should do
a formal request to nabble to get control of the forum and sub-forums.

Make a list of what you need from the mail server and we can start
working on providing that.

For Tiling mailing list archive import I think we can wait to see what
they respond to Mateusz post. As soon as I get the admin of nabble
will see how to add it to OSGeo tree.

I also agree with gmane, and mail-archive. Never hurts to have copies.

OK I'll try to add them ASAP and any advance will be documented at

Jorge Sanz

On 19/09/11 18:35, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas wrote:

For Tiling mailing list archive import I think we can wait to see what
they respond to Mateusz post. As soon as I get the admin of nabble
will see how to add it to OSGeo tree.

I had imported a list once and the Nabble support used the gzip'ed
archives. I followed similar path, through the support forum.
So, let's see if I'll get a hand this time too.

Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
Charter Member of OSGeo, http://osgeo.org
Member of ACCU, http://accu.org

Alex wrote:

Make a list of what you need from the mail server and we
can start working on providing that.

fyi there's a magic url string you (ie anyone) can pass to mailman
to extract the full mbox archive for any list. I'm not sure how
(un)documented it is, or is supposed to be, but let me know
offlist if you need it.


Jorge Sanz (OSGeo) wrote:

For Tiling mailing list archive import I think we can wait to see what
they respond to Mateusz post. As soon as I get the admin of nabble
will see how to add it to OSGeo tree.


I've got response from Hugo from Nabble and asked for further assistance:


Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot

Mateusz Loskot
View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/Who-manages-Nabble-archives-tp6806973p6810573.html
Sent from the OSGeo System Administration Committee mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Sorry folks; all my [SAC] subject mail was getting filtered into a folder that I wasn’t checking with any kind of regularity.

I don’t mind at all responding to this kind of thing if there’s anything that still has my name on it. I don’t have much time to spend on stuff outside of work and family right now, but I’ll make time for technical stuff that I’d be holding up otherwise.

If anything else pops up, please make sure to send to me directly under a separate subject. And maybe ping me on Twitter @jasonbirch to make sure I notice :slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure Mateusz has this in hand, but let me know if you need anything else.


On 19 September 2011 06:00, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas <jsanz@osgeo.org> wrote:

Hi, I’m cc-ing Jason just in case he’s not reading SAC list

Long ago I asked Jason to add a gvSIG category then I added the gvSIG
mailing lists there as subforums so I manage that “leaf” of the OSGeo
tree of archives. Adding a mailing list to nabble is pretty easy.

I remember Jason commenting some time ago to pass the Nabble ball to
someone so if no one is interested and assuming is not so much work, I
can take that responsibility if the SAC agrees.

As Hamish says, archiving elsewhere is easy (at gvSIG we archive also at
gmane and mail-archive.com) but I thing nabble is the most used, even
when gmane offers a news service for old-fashioned readers and blog
style for non-so-old-fashioned ones :slight_smile:


Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas

On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 2:08 AM, Hamish <hamish_b@yahoo.com> wrote:

Alex wrote:

Make a list of what you need from the mail server and we
can start working on providing that.

fyi there's a magic url string you (ie anyone) can pass to mailman
to extract the full mbox archive for any list. I'm not sure how
(un)documented it is, or is supposed to be, but let me know
offlist if you need it.

I thought that had been removed.... yes, I am interested (so I could
easier backup the GRASS mbox files).



Thanks for follow-up.
In the Nable admin panel, is there any option to assign the archive to new owner? If there is, perhaps you could assign it to me, so I can take over the maintenance work.
If not, then I will send request to Peter from Nabble to do it.

Best regards,

On 30/09/11 04:22, Jason Birch wrote:

Sorry folks; all my [SAC] subject mail was getting filtered into a
folder that I wasn't checking with any kind of regularity.

I don't mind at all responding to this kind of thing if there's anything
that still has my name on it. I don't have much time to spend on stuff
outside of work and family right now, but I'll make time for technical
stuff that I'd be holding up otherwise.

If anything else pops up, please make sure to send to me directly under
a separate subject. And maybe ping me on Twitter @jasonbirch to make
sure I notice :slight_smile:

I'm pretty sure Mateusz has this in hand, but let me know if you need
anything else.


On 19 September 2011 06:00, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas <jsanz@osgeo.org
<mailto:jsanz@osgeo.org>> wrote:

    Hi, I'm cc-ing Jason just in case he's not reading SAC list

    Long ago I asked Jason to add a gvSIG category then I added the gvSIG
    mailing lists there as subforums so I manage that "leaf" of the OSGeo
    tree of archives. Adding a mailing list to nabble is pretty easy.

    I remember Jason commenting some time ago to pass the Nabble ball to
    someone so if no one is interested and assuming is not so much work, I
    can take that responsibility if the SAC agrees.

    As Hamish says, archiving elsewhere is easy (at gvSIG we archive also at
    gmane and mail-archive.com <http://mail-archive.com>) but I thing
    nabble is the most used, even
    when gmane offers a news service for old-fashioned readers and blog
    style for non-so-old-fashioned ones :slight_smile:


    Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas

Sac mailing list

Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
Charter Member of OSGeo, http://osgeo.org
Member of ACCU, http://accu.org

Hi Mat!

I have done some OSGeo-Nabble admin also...and I think Jason gave me some permissions... ping me on IRC and maybe we can see if we can figure it out somehow.


On 11-10-03 7:21 AM, Mateusz Loskot wrote:


Thanks for follow-up.
In the Nable admin panel, is there any option to assign the archive to
new owner? If there is, perhaps you could assign it to me, so I can take
over the maintenance work.
If not, then I will send request to Peter from Nabble to do it.

Hi Jeff,

The thing is that there can be only one owner and number of admins of an
archive at Nabble. If you are an admin, it does not really help
as I/we want to have an owner set to one of OSGeo folks (or virtual
account like nabble@osgeo.org).

Are you an owner of the archives?
If not, we still need to contact Peter from Nabble.


On 05/10/11 18:00, Jeff McKenna wrote:

Hi Mat!

I have done some OSGeo-Nabble admin also...and I think Jason gave me
some permissions... ping me on IRC and maybe we can see if we can figure
it out somehow.


On 11-10-03 7:21 AM, Mateusz Loskot wrote:


Thanks for follow-up.
In the Nable admin panel, is there any option to assign the archive to
new owner? If there is, perhaps you could assign it to me, so I can take
over the maintenance work.
If not, then I will send request to Peter from Nabble to do it.

Sac mailing list

Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
Charter Member of OSGeo, http://osgeo.org
Member of ACCU, http://accu.org