sanity check a lightning talk abstract?

dear VisCom,

I'm hoping to give a lightning talk at OSCON. I wonder if you would
quickly sanity check my abstract which was due like an hour ago for
"on-message"-ness. Generally i would be really interested in
help/feedback from VisCom in creating a short presentation.

"The Open Source Geospatial Foundation is on a mission to support
and promote the collaborative development of open geospatial
technologies, data and standards. This is a short story about what a
new kind of software foundation is offering to projects, to members
and to the public."

I can't think of a snappy title either. "Spatialise your hive mind" maybe :wink:
Mpg, i'm sorry i missed yr meeting, i am startlingly sick today :/.


Just for background... We have three great talks lined up for our 45 minute speakers session at OSCON:
-Jo's talk as mentioned below
-Aaron Racicot's 'mash-up of 5 different OSGeo projects'
-Mark Lucas re: OSSIM

Should be a great session.

Re: your question Jo.. I particularly like the "new kind of software foundation" part of the abstract. As many of you know already, I see OSGeo as blazing a path not just for geospatial software but also for the broader open source context; we are doing things no one else has done in open source. Because this conference is focused on open source geek stuff, I'd love to see that perspective brought into it somehow.

More later,

On 6-Jul-06, at 10:10 AM, Jo Walsh wrote:

dear VisCom,

I'm hoping to give a lightning talk at OSCON. I wonder if you would
quickly sanity check my abstract which was due like an hour ago for
"on-message"-ness. Generally i would be really interested in
help/feedback from VisCom in creating a short presentation.

"The Open Source Geospatial Foundation is on a mission to support
and promote the collaborative development of open geospatial
technologies, data and standards. This is a short story about what a
new kind of software foundation is offering to projects, to members
and to the public."

I can't think of a snappy title either. "Spatialise your hive mind" maybe :wink:
Mpg, i'm sorry i missed yr meeting, i am startlingly sick today :/.


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