Support FOSS4G Belém with Marketing material

The FOSS4G 2024 team reached out to me to get support with marketing material

  • financial
  • technical

Question: from our $ 5.000 can we take x $ to produce marketing material

  • sticker, banner, flyer
  • USB with OSGeoLive

The foss4g team already received financial support from osgeo to start things off? But we should be able to supply the material we have.

If they have a good drone picture of the area I would love to do up a banner / slide templates for them following the osgeo template.

Good morning All,
the LOC received the seed capital for the event for its financing and subsequent return, but in general terms we can make the corresponding stickers without any problems, what we see is a complication in arranging the pendrives with OSGeo Live, since we do not have in Belen with suppliers with that capacity and we had not planned it.

So it would be good to be able to count on the support of the Marketing Committee, as they have that circuit solved with much more experience.

For shipments from abroad you have a time of 40 days approximately, also I am going to be in the month of July in the USA so I could take it in case of being able to send them.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.