TelaScience Stack move

Hi All

I was asked b SDSC to move my stack of hardware ...
They are compensating my for the trouble by giving me another GigE drop so we will be back to 2Gbps connection

move staring in 15 min 6:30 Pacific time 11/02/2006 ..


John Graham wrote:

Hi All

I was asked b SDSC to move my stack of hardware ...
They are compensating my for the trouble by giving me another GigE drop so we will be back to 2Gbps connection

move staring in 15 min 6:30 Pacific time 11/02/2006 ..


NFS mounts of /home from bucket do not seem to be working. Possibly it
is related to the move?

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGeo,