Test mail to marketing alias

Hello all,

This is a test mail to
marketing at osgeo.org which is an alias to marketing at discourse


Thanks Vicky, that made it through to the forum okay. I will sign up for notifications shortly and see how that works also.

Please see this:

Let me know what you think is the best setup for the marketing committee to refine the instructions on the wiki

We are going for public communication; however committee members should have access to the moderation controls as a safety. We do not wish to be a burden on SAC.

This is interesting the test messages came from Committees Marketing <marketing.committees.discourse.osgeo.org>
I have been writing my instructions with marketing@osgeo.org.

What is correct?

You can send a new topic using:

which is an alias of the above

Thanks, I believe we are only going to document marketing@osgeo.org (for simplicity).

I am very happy with the public communication (no need to join the group) and am recommending it for other public facing topics (like user-lists).