Testing gfoss mail & discourse

Hello all,

The intention of this is to verify that whatch ers receive the message by mail.
Please reply if you read this either by mail or on discourse


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yes, I read emails on google and discourse


Il giorno lun 29 apr 2024 alle ore 19:06 Celia Virginia Vergara Castillo
via OSGeo Discourse noreply@discourse.osgeo.org ha scritto:

cvvergara https://discourse.osgeo.org/u/cvvergara
April 29

Hello all,

The intention of this is to verify that whatch ers receive the message by
Please reply if you read this either by mail or on discourse


Visit Topic
https://discourse.osgeo.org/t/testing-gfoss-mail-discourse/25136/1 or
reply to this email to respond.

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Ing. Salvatore Fiandaca
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m: pigrecoinfinito@gmail.com pigrecoinfinito@gmail.com
C.F.: FNDSVT71E29Z103G
P.IVA: 06597870820
membro QGIS Italia - http://qgis.it/ http://qgis.it/
*socio GFOSS.it - *http://gfoss.it/
member OSGeo - fiandaca, auteur op OSGeo

37°35’11.4"N 14°10’25.1"E - EPSG:4326

“Se la conoscenza deve essere aperta a tutti,
perchè mai limitarne l’accesso?”
R. Stallman

Questo documento, allegati inclusi, contiene informazioni di proprietà di
FIANDACA SALVATORE e deve essere utilizzato esclusivamente dal destinatario
in relazione alle finalità per le quali è stato ricevuto. E’ vietata
qualsiasi forma di riproduzione o divulgazione senza l’esplicito consenso
di FIANDACA SALVATORE. Qualora fosse stato ricevuto per errore si prega di
informare tempestivamente il mittente e distruggere la copia in proprio

I was receiving this by email, and tried to respond/reply by email to, but the message bounced:


Dear customer,

We regret to inform you that your recent email could not be delivered to 0ed64555333d8231a0e6bd80dd407f83@discourse.osgeo.org.

This is the mesage we received from the mail server of the recipient:

smtp; 454 4.7.1 <0ed64555333d8231a0e6bd80dd407f83@discourse.osgeo.org>: Relay access denied

This automated message is to notify you of a bounce, indicating that the email could not be successfully transmitted to the specified email address. 

Testing a reply to discourse

On Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 11:06 AM Celia Virginia Vergara Castillo via OSGeo
Discourse noreply@discourse.osgeo.org wrote:

cvvergara https://discourse.osgeo.org/u/cvvergara
April 29

Hello all,

The intention of this is to verify that whatch ers receive the message by
Please reply if you read this either by mail or on discourse


Visit Topic
https://discourse.osgeo.org/t/testing-gfoss-mail-discourse/25136/1 or
reply to this email to respond.

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Hi Vicky,
I see it by mail and via Discourse.

Thank you


Messaggio inviato da dispositivo mobile. Perdona errori e sintesi.

Il lun 29 apr 2024, 19:06 Celia Virginia Vergara Castillo via OSGeo
Discourse noreply@discourse.osgeo.org ha scritto:

cvvergara https://discourse.osgeo.org/u/cvvergara
April 29

Hello all,

The intention of this is to verify that whatch ers receive the message by
Please reply if you read this either by mail or on discourse


I did a test reply using mail,
There is a bell, maybe its off.

Can you please try again to replay by mail?

Good morning,
I’m replying from Discourse.

Thank you

I have received it.

Thank you

Scusami per la brevità, ti sto scrivendo dal cellulare.

website: tantotanto
38° 7’ 48" N, 13° 21’ 9" E EPSG:4326

Il lun 29 apr 2024, 19:06 Celia Virginia Vergara Castillo via OSGeo
Discourse noreply@discourse.osgeo.org ha scritto:

cvvergara https://discourse.osgeo.org/u/cvvergara
April 29

Hello all,

The intention of this is to verify that whatch ers receive the message by
Please reply if you read this either by mail or on discourse


Visit Topic
https://discourse.osgeo.org/t/testing-gfoss-mail-discourse/25136/1 or
reply to this email to respond.

To unsubscribe from these emails, click here

Again tried to reply via mail (to b70faff6c167ccb6afccd30030a93f84@discourse.osgeo.org), got

smtp; 454 4.7.1 <5363c714423af08e3623a64fbd1aa35c@discourse.osgeo.org>: Relay access denied


EDIT: realizing that this is probably a copy of a bounce of yesterday.
But I got a bounce of THIS mail also.
Apparently the server is thinking that it is relaying mails?

I got all the replies and I’m answering from email.


On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 at 08:58, Richard Duivenvoorde via OSGeo Discourse <
noreply@discourse.osgeo.org> wrote:

rduivenvoorde https://discourse.osgeo.org/u/rduivenvoorde
April 30

Again tried to reply via mail (to
b70faff6c167ccb6afccd30030a93f84@discourse.osgeo.org), got

smtp; 454 4.7.1 5363c714423af08e3623a64fbd1aa35c@discourse.osgeo.org: Relay access denied


Visit Topic
https://discourse.osgeo.org/t/testing-gfoss-mail-discourse/25136/9 or
reply to this email to respond.

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