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I have a program that will do what you needed to delineate a watershed
from one point or pixel. In order to use this your dem should be very good.
If you have any pits or depressions you will not get a good watershed map.
So, I would suggest to use the tool after you run the dem through a good
smoothing or filtering tool.

Since the program I have is not fully documented, I am not ready to send
it to moon incoming. So if you need I can send it or you can ftp it from site as an anonymous user.

Give me a day to move this stuff.

Blackland Research Center
Temple, TX 76502

Brian Connelly
College of Forest Resources
University of Washington AR-10
Seattle, Washington 98195

I am using GRASS 4.0 to delineate watersheds from a digital elevation
model for input to a hydrologic model. The r.watershed command
delineates watersheds according to a user-specified minimum area for exterior
watersheds. I would like to specify only a location or pixel and have the
program delineate the watershed which drains into that pixel. I haven't been
able to do this with the r.watershed command and cannot figure out how to do it
with any of the other commands. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions as
to how I might accomplish this.