Unable to access rest api services

I am unable to access the rest api services(http://10.XX.X.X:8080/geoserver/rest/layers) of geoserver 2.21.4 version where my webserver is Wildfly 25.0.1.
While calling the service a sign prompt comes where i give username as admin and password has geoserver which is the default crdentials but unable to get the reponse.
i tried to change
in rest.properties and restarted geoserver - no change.
I tested the same in geoserver 2.20.4 version and wildfly 11.0.0 which is working fine.
Please suggest the changes for the solution.

I have not personally used Wildfly (or JBoss) application server for many years. GeoServer 2.21.4 is not supported presently, can you re-test in a supported version?

You can have a look at filter chain /gwc/rest/** used to secure the REST API, for me at least it only has basic by selected, so anonymous is not configured to be available.

You can ask here if anyone has experience working with Wildfly, or may consider some of the service providers if this is an urgent priority for you.

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Thanks for the support. I have done with giving /**;GET=IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY
in rest.properties and in the code part i removed the authorization
const response = await fetch(${url}?${params}, {
method: ‘GET’,
// headers: {
// ‘Authorization’: Basic ${btoa(${username}:${password})},
// },
and it works now.
my intention is to build a query builder application where all the api calls is managed by this geoserver rest services.