Using GIS in Unreal Engine 5

Hey Everyone,

I’ve been using GIS for a number of different projects. One of them is going to be for Unreal Engine 5 (“UE5”). I’m wondering if anyone in the OSGeo community has experience creating a world in Unreal using heightmaps derived from GIS data.

The reason why I’m asking is because I’ve run into difficulties which I believe are caused by the complexity and size of the heightmap. I’ve done some things to simplify the vector layer I used to create the heightmap, but I would appreciate some pointers from an expert.



I will be really interested to understand your needs here. We at North Road have been working on Cesium integration with the Cesium Ion Plugin for QGIS. Cesium ion — QGIS Python Plugins Repository

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Hey @EmHain8 thanks for your reply.

So, I’m trying to use data from a file I created myself to represent historic geography/topography that does not currently exist. So, while it’s super helpful and very valuable to be able to use these tools that connect to OSM and other data sources … I can’t use it for this project.

I honestly feel very undertooled for this project. And I’m honestly just considering using the vector layer with a vertical offset. Which doesn’t actually suck as much as I thought it would, considering the fact that my computer crashes every time I tried to important the heightmap sucks way more.


I think using the vector data will be the only way you can move forward at this point. Is heightmap data the same as elevation data.