[Valencia] Re: [HOT] Hurricane Matthew Mapping Urgently Needed

Correo desde el HOT actualizando sobre el estado del mapeo de Huracán Mathew.



On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 9:13 AM, Kevin Bullock <kbullock@digitalglobe.com> wrote:

Thanks Blake and Mike for your feedback on this. I work at DG and all of this imagery over Haiti is from us (via Bing, Mapbox or direct from us). If we are seeing 1m-2m offsets, that is completely normal/expected. the circular error of our satellites is approximately 3m in any direction. Please let me know how I can help.

Best, Kevin Bullock

On Oct 7, 2016, at 10:05 AM, Blake Girardot <bgirardot@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Mike, that is good too.

Typically, we adjust the background imagery to match the existing
mapping as that is easier for iD users.

But either way works.

The most difficult is when there is mapping that is based on multiple
imagery offsets, but again, we can work with that too.

I just updated the imagery for Project 2210, so I expect a lot of
imagery offset issues, but I updated the instructions as well, so
hopefully that helps address some of the questions.

Small offset differences of 1 or 2 meters is not a problem for the
relief effort use cases at all. The only issue that it causes is as
you said, roads over lapping buildings or buildings overlapping each

If we can avoid those overlaps, other small offset differences are
much less critical.

Thank you to everyone!

On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 5:40 PM, Mike Thompson <miketho16@gmail.com> wrote:

I have been adjusting all buildings to the new imagery in the tasks I have
worked on. If that causes a road or other physical feature to run through a
building, I adjust that other feature too. I hope that is the proper


On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 8:12 AM, Blake Girardot <bgirardot@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Leon,

Thank you for the info, I am looking into it now.


On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 3:51 PM, Leon van der Meulen
<leonvandermeulen@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey Dale,

There is a major offset in the new imagery. I’m validating #2205 now
403 and almost all buildings are mapped twice and on another spot.
I use 2.55; -3.58 now in Josm.



On 06 Oct 2016, at 23:18, Dale Kunce <dale.kunce@gmail.com> wrote:

Great question. Yes please map each individual house that you see.
each building allows for better population estimates and allows for
overall planning.

Keep up the good work.

On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 3:13 PM, Elizabeth Kelly <kellye@obu.edu> wrote:

I have been looking at #2205, Nippes Coast, and Task #448, there are
several areas that look like groups of shacks. Should I map each and
shack? I like doing this!

Elizabeth Kelly

From: Dale Kunce [mailto:dale.kunce@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2016 10:46 PM
To: hot@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [HOT] Hurricane Matthew Mapping Urgently Needed

Hurricane Matthew continues to strengthen and is advancing on Haiti and
the Bahamas. The next day is very important to keep mapping so that
and humanitarian organizations like the Red Cross and others can help
affected in the coming days.

We need to keep the mapping going. Some areas with potential
“catastrophic” damage are still unmapped.


Please help HOT by contributing the mapping. Task 2196 is live right
and needs more mappers. The activation team anticipates additional
for Haiti and the Bahamas over the next few days.

Thanks again for your contribution and continued support of HOT.

Dale Kunce

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

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Dale Kunce

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