[Valencia] SIG i ajuda humanitària

Les Nacions Unides han obert la inscripció per a les places temporals de voluntaris de curta durada.

All, the Associate Surge Pool (ASP) IMO rosters at P2, P3, and P4 levels have just been advertised!
Members of an ASP roster will receive surge request messages from the ASP Unit of OCHA whenever a Country Office has made a request for a particular profile. Candidates have to reply and express interest if they would like to be considered for that deployment.
ASP members are issued with a Temporary Appointment (TA) when recruited for OCHA field assignments.
The ASP is not intended for candidates who are currently under fixed-term, permanent or continuing appointment with the United Nations common system.
Deployments are typically for three to six months, but can be extended beyond that. To be considered for several levels, you need to apply to the various rosters.

Please note that we are always short of French-speaking members :slight_smile: Please share with your networks!


Si algú té dubtes que contacti colombor@un.org
