[Viscom-dev] FW: [Mass-Market-GEO] [Tc] OGC in Where 2.0 2007

FYI, this is OGC’s thoughts on Where 2.0 – apparently they’re not interested in doing a collaborative demo thing with OSGeo, oh well.

I will try to ping Brady again today.


From: mass-market-geo-bounces+mpg=lizardtech.com@opengeospatial.org [mailto:mass-market-geo-bounces+mpg=lizardtech.com@opengeospatial.org] On Behalf Of Sam A. Bacharach
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 6:15 PM
To: ‘Pat Cappelaere’; ‘Dan Mandl’; ‘Stuart Frye’; ‘Linda Derezinski’
Cc: mass-market-geo@opengeospatial.org
Subject: Re: [Mass-Market-GEO] [Tc] OGC in Where 2.0 2007


Great idea Pat. I have forwarded your message to the Mass Market reflector so it gets into the process.

Sam A. Bacharach

Executive Director Outreach

Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.

+1 703-352-3938 (Office)

+1 703-283-7202 (Mobile)

+1 703-352-7361 (FAX)


-----Original Message-----
From: Pat Cappelaere [mailto:pat@cappelaere.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 8:31 PM
To: sbacharach@opengeospatial.org; Dan Mandl; Stuart Frye; Linda Derezinski
Subject: Re: [Tc] OGC in Where 2.0 2007


We intend to be there and demonstrate the EO1 GeoBliki.

From: “Sam A. Bacharach” sbacharach@opengeospatial.org
Organization: OGC
Reply-To: sbacharach@opengeospatial.org
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 17:38:14 -0500
To: TC tc@opengis.org, Planning Committee pc@opengeospatial.org
Subject: [Tc] OGC in Where 2.0 2007


We are moving aggressively to have a strong presence at the Where 2.0 Conference to be held May 29th and 30th in San Jose, CA. David Schell has had conversation with the organizers and we are now seeking member participation in the event. We think that David will have a major speaking role and the demos will be our proof that something exists now.

We would like to organize a simple demonstration (several use cases) that illustrates the effectiveness of having access to on-demand spatial content services and the ability to add new services. The thought is to use the approach used for the GEOSS Demos. Further, we would like to use OGC Network to provide a publicly accessible forum for the services used in the demo.

  1. Put up a comprehensive collection of data services – namely WMS, WFS, WCS - for use by members and non members.

  2. Coordinate several use cases amongst members so we have demonstrations to use in an OGC booth. We will schedule the demonstrations through the day and advertise them at the conference.

  3. Procure a door prize that attendees can win by visiting each of the member booths, getting a game card stamped, and turning them in to OGC for a drawing.

  4. Set up a large screen display in the OGC booth and then schedule demos through the days.

Of course we would love it if each of you also built off the services and showed them in your own booths too.

Though some of the demos we schedule in the booth may be from non-members the press release we will issue after the fact will only mention member companies by name.

The work on the demonstrations themselves is already a topic on the Mass Market Working Group reflector – if you would like to participate sign up there and jump into the fray and help us get this organized. I hear rumblings that the GeoDRM WG would like to show its friendly face too, which I think is a great idea. Join the MM WG reflector and chime in and we will divvy up the pie.

Sam A. Bacharach

Executive Director Outreach

Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.

+1 703-352-3938 (Office)

+1 703-283-7202 (Mobile)

+1 703-352-7361 (FAX)


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