[Viscom-dev] FW: [Mass-Market-GEO] Where 2.0 brainstorming

Then again...

(stay tuned)


-----Original Message-----
From: Raj Singh [mailto:rsingh@opengeospatial.org]
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 2:21 PM
To: Michael P. Gerlek
Subject: Re: [Mass-Market-GEO] Where 2.0 brainstorming

All we really did was say that members should drive the
demos. I don't think
this will happen successfully without more organization. I'm
working on a
few scenarios for people to participate in, and putting together an
every-other-week call for interested people. Want to help me
with that?
Can we talk on the phone tomorrow afternoon?

On 1/31/07 3:33 PM, "Michael P. Gerlek" <mpg@lizardtech.com> wrote:

> Raj-
> I see from Sam B's mail that you folks seem to already have
worked out a
> demo plan. If you would still be interested in OSGeo participation,
> just let us know --
> -mpg
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Raj Singh [mailto:rsingh@opengeospatial.org]
>> Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 8:05 PM
>> To: Michael P. Gerlek
>> Subject: Re: [Mass-Market-GEO] Where 2.0 brainstorming
>> Yes we'd definitely be interested. We're having a staff call to
>> discuss this tomorrow at 2pm EST, so any info on your possible
>> plans / concepts would be great to have for that. We
should probably
>> have a conference call on it too. Chris Holmes will be in my
>> neighborhood in mid-February. That might be a good time to
make real
>> plans.
>> ---
>> Raj
>> On Jan 25, 2007, at 7:11 PM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:
>>> Raj-
>>> Would you be interested in doing something with OSGeo,
>> maybe along the
>>> lines of mashed-up plugfest? We're going to have a
>> presence there as
>>> well, although we too are behind in figuring out just what we're
>>> doing...
>>> -mpg
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From:
>>>> mass-market-geo-bounces+mpg=lizardtech.com@opengeospatial.org
>>>> [mailto:mass-market-geo-bounces+mpg=lizardtech.com@opengeospat
>>>> ial.org] On Behalf Of Raj Singh
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 10:57 AM
>>>> To: mass-market-geo@opengeospatial.org
>>>> Subject: [Mass-Market-GEO] Where 2.0 brainstorming
>>>> OGC is beginning to put together a plan of participation for
>>>> Where 2.0 <http://conferences.oreillynet.com/where2007/&gt;\.
>>>> We're thinking about a range of ideas, from just being there
>>>> to running an OGC-style mashup/plugfest.
>>>> So my questions to the group are, who's going?
>>>> Who would support OGC activities with data, services, clients?
>>>> Any other ideas we should consider?
>>>> ---
>>>> Raj
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>>>> Mass-Market-GEO@opengeospatial.org
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