[Viscom-dev] Meeting tomorrow?

Two weeks have again whizzed by, and so we're scheduled to have another
meeting tomorrow -- although I don't have any agenda prepared. Anything
pressing out there?


I think a discussion of Where2.0 and OSCON (and others) might be in order.

Aaron Racicot - GIS Programmer
360.221.2441 - aaronr@ecotrust.org
e c o t r u s t
pobox 1614
langley wa 98260

-----Original Message-----
From: viscom-dev-bounces@lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:viscom-dev-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Michael P. Gerlek
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 3:02 PM
To: Visibility Committee Discussion List
Subject: [Viscom-dev] Meeting tomorrow?

Two weeks have again whizzed by, and so we're scheduled to have another
meeting tomorrow -- although I don't have any agenda prepared. Anything
pressing out there?


Viscom-dev mailing list

For where 2.0: I'd like to confirm a BOF description, and see if anyone wants is interested in proposing the development some kind of interactive map or somesuch to be shown off somewhere at the conf (like on their website potentially).


Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

Two weeks have again whizzed by, and so we're scheduled to have another
meeting tomorrow -- although I don't have any agenda prepared. Anything
pressing out there?


Viscom-dev mailing list

And I was just pinged again by Raj about OGC stuff for Where -- so let's
do that at 8 tomorrow morning. (Note I may not have voice access, but
will be irc at least.)


-----Original Message-----
From: viscom-dev-bounces@lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:viscom-dev-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Josh Livni
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 3:07 PM
To: Visibility Committee Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Viscom-dev] Meeting tomorrow?

For where 2.0: I'd like to confirm a BOF description, and
see if anyone
wants is interested in proposing the development some kind of
interactive map or somesuch to be shown off somewhere at the
conf (like
on their website potentially).


Michael P. Gerlek wrote:
> Two weeks have again whizzed by, and so we're scheduled to
have another
> meeting tomorrow -- although I don't have any agenda
prepared. Anything
> pressing out there?
> -mpg
> _______________________________________________
> Viscom-dev mailing list
> Viscom-dev@lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/viscom-dev

Viscom-dev mailing list

Is it all right if just meet in IRC anyway.. I'm finding it hard to transcribe everything into IRC when on the phone. If anyone has extended info or detailed questions they could be posed in email beforehand. Just an idea...


On 27-Feb-07, at 3:10 PM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

And I was just pinged again by Raj about OGC stuff for Where -- so let's
do that at 8 tomorrow morning. (Note I may not have voice access, but
will be irc at least.)


-----Original Message-----
From: viscom-dev-bounces@lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:viscom-dev-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Josh Livni
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 3:07 PM
To: Visibility Committee Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Viscom-dev] Meeting tomorrow?

For where 2.0: I'd like to confirm a BOF description, and
see if anyone
wants is interested in proposing the development some kind of
interactive map or somesuch to be shown off somewhere at the
conf (like
on their website potentially).


Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

Two weeks have again whizzed by, and so we're scheduled to

have another

meeting tomorrow -- although I don't have any agenda

prepared. Anything

pressing out there?


Viscom-dev mailing list

Viscom-dev mailing list

Viscom-dev mailing list

Brief summaries of some discussion on IRC this morning, re the Where conf.

+ACo- Booth
  - I will be at the booth as needed, and can take charge of
setup/takedown, and scheduling. If someone else would prefer to do
these things, that's fine w/me. I'd appreciate knowing who else will
be there, and suggestions on which of the various lists to post on to
get potential OSGeo friendly volunteers for the conf.

  - The BOF submission is in. We should have a time set for Tuesday
night. There +AF8-may+AF8- be a projector or something, but I won't know for
sure until we get closer.

+ACo- Ignite
  - There will be an igniteseattle.com style event Monday night. I'll
present some osgeo stuff. If someone wants to co-present, that'd be
great. 5 mins, 25 slides.

+ACo- OGC/OSGeo interactive map demo
  - If someone builds one, I'll try get it as much visibility as
possible. Let me know.

+ACo- Lightning talks (onstage)
  - 2.30 - 2.45 Weds is set aside for OS Lightning Talks. I have no
idea what's scheduled for that right now. OpenLayers? OSSIM? Will
find out.

Things not discussed:
+ACo- Pass
  - I'm assuming I get a pass

+ACo- Budget
  - If there are any funds to help subsidize my travel costs, that'd be
fantastic. If not, I'll be there anyway.

Am copying Bob so he can comment on his possible participation in BOF,
Ignite, OGC/OSGeo demo or lightening talk. Bob is able to do a Google
Earth/MapGuide talk and will prepare a description by Friday. Josh are
you able to present this to Brady? Bob is also working on a demo for
GeoTech that features multiple OSGeo projects. Maybe this can be
repurposed for Where?

Josh, I'm happy to help you with booth set-up and takedown, if you can
solicit booth staffing volunteers. And as part of the Autodesk
sponsorship, we get several free conference passes and you're welcome to
have one.


-----Original Message-----
From: viscom-dev-bounces@lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:viscom-dev-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Josh Livni
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 9:25 AM
To: Visibility Committee Discussion List
Subject: [Viscom-dev] Where 2.0

Brief summaries of some discussion on IRC this morning, re the Where

* Booth
  - I will be at the booth as needed, and can take charge of
setup/takedown, and scheduling. If someone else would prefer to do
these things, that's fine w/me. I'd appreciate knowing who else will
be there, and suggestions on which of the various lists to post on to
get potential OSGeo friendly volunteers for the conf.

  - The BOF submission is in. We should have a time set for Tuesday
night. There _may_ be a projector or something, but I won't know for
sure until we get closer.

* Ignite
  - There will be an igniteseattle.com style event Monday night. I'll
present some osgeo stuff. If someone wants to co-present, that'd be
great. 5 mins, 25 slides.

* OGC/OSGeo interactive map demo
  - If someone builds one, I'll try get it as much visibility as
possible. Let me know.

* Lightning talks (onstage)
  - 2.30 - 2.45 Weds is set aside for OS Lightning Talks. I have no
idea what's scheduled for that right now. OpenLayers? OSSIM? Will
find out.

Things not discussed:
* Pass
  - I'm assuming I get a pass

* Budget
  - If there are any funds to help subsidize my travel costs, that'd be
fantastic. If not, I'll be there anyway.
Viscom-dev mailing list

Regarding the 15 min time period we have set aside for lightning talks:

  Brady would like to hear any proposed speakers and their topics that we have for these, ASAP.


  Should I ask over at the openlayers camp (I think one or two of them may be attending)

Nathalie Mainland wrote:

Am copying Bob so he can comment on his possible participation in BOF,
Ignite, OGC/OSGeo demo or lightening talk. Bob is able to do a Google
Earth/MapGuide talk and will prepare a description by Friday. Josh are
you able to present this to Brady? Bob is also working on a demo for
GeoTech that features multiple OSGeo projects. Maybe this can be
repurposed for Where?

Josh, I'm happy to help you with booth set-up and takedown, if you can
solicit booth staffing volunteers. And as part of the Autodesk
sponsorship, we get several free conference passes and you're welcome to
have one.


-----Original Message-----
From: viscom-dev-bounces@lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:viscom-dev-bounces@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Josh Livni
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 9:25 AM
To: Visibility Committee Discussion List
Subject: [Viscom-dev] Where 2.0

Brief summaries of some discussion on IRC this morning, re the Where

* Booth
  - I will be at the booth as needed, and can take charge of
setup/takedown, and scheduling. If someone else would prefer to do
these things, that's fine w/me. I'd appreciate knowing who else will
be there, and suggestions on which of the various lists to post on to
get potential OSGeo friendly volunteers for the conf.

  - The BOF submission is in. We should have a time set for Tuesday
night. There _may_ be a projector or something, but I won't know for
sure until we get closer.

* Ignite
  - There will be an igniteseattle.com style event Monday night. I'll
present some osgeo stuff. If someone wants to co-present, that'd be
great. 5 mins, 25 slides.

* OGC/OSGeo interactive map demo
  - If someone builds one, I'll try get it as much visibility as
possible. Let me know.

* Lightning talks (onstage)
  - 2.30 - 2.45 Weds is set aside for OS Lightning Talks. I have no
idea what's scheduled for that right now. OpenLayers? OSSIM? Will
find out.

Things not discussed:
* Pass
  - I'm assuming I get a pass

* Budget
  - If there are any funds to help subsidize my travel costs, that'd be
fantastic. If not, I'll be there anyway.
Viscom-dev mailing list

Viscom-dev mailing list

On 28-Feb-07, at 10:40 AM, Josh Livni wrote:

Regarding the 15 min time period we have set aside for lightning talks:
Brady would like to hear any proposed speakers and their topics that we have for these, ASAP.

Should I ask over at the openlayers camp (I think one or two of them may be attending)

I'd ask generally on the OSGeo discuss list, also the geowankers list is a good one (there are many folks on that list in the Bay area). Also, I have at least 6 particular people that may be able to help with booth and/or BOF. Some will likely already have talks scheduled.

I suspect many of the folks will respond to posting on Discuss list, so I'd try there first. After that I can give you a list of names to focus on.
