[Viscom-dev] OSGeo Marketing strategy...

Hi all,
I just subscribed to the list, so excuse me if I run too fast :slight_smile:

During the OSGeo board meeting we discussed OSGeo's work on marketing in the coming year. One thing was the paper work (flyers, journal, conference stuff etc..) and the other area of focus would be the website.

I have worked with a couple of excellent people on the GeoNetwork opensource materials and have today discussed with them if we could do something for OSGeo with them. Now, that obviously needs discussion on this list :slight_smile:

I will meet them again tomorrow. I send this email not to push for input before that meeting, but it would be good to have a feeling from those on the list if this is something I should be pushing a bit more on? I am happy to dedicate energy on this aspect in the months to come. I think OSGeo really needs to push on the marketing part of things to get wider recognition and also a more visible "value for money" message that can be used when discussing with potential sponsors. I'm very keen to work on this and get all OSGeo outreach better streamlined (web & paper & conference materials etc...)

Looking forward to hear some initial responses. Ciao,

Jeroen Ticheler wrote:

Hi all,
I just subscribed to the list, so excuse me if I run too fast :slight_smile:

During the OSGeo board meeting we discussed OSGeo's work on marketing in the coming year. One thing was the paper work (flyers, journal, conference stuff etc..) and the other area of focus would be the website.

I have worked with a couple of excellent people on the GeoNetwork opensource materials and have today discussed with them if we could do something for OSGeo with them. Now, that obviously needs discussion on this list :slight_smile:

I will meet them again tomorrow. I send this email not to push for input before that meeting, but it would be good to have a feeling from those on the list if this is something I should be pushing a bit more on? I am happy to dedicate energy on this aspect in the months to come. I think OSGeo really needs to push on the marketing part of things to get wider recognition and also a more visible "value for money" message that can be used when discussing with potential sponsors. I'm very keen to work on this and get all OSGeo outreach better streamlined (web & paper & conference materials etc...)

Looking forward to hear some initial responses. Ciao,

Go, go, go!!!

On 8-Oct-07, at 3:40 PM, Jeroen Ticheler wrote:

During the OSGeo board meeting we discussed OSGeo's work on marketing in the coming year. One thing was the paper work (flyers, journal, conference stuff etc..) and the other area of focus would be the website.

Printed material is certainly lacking - your GeoNetwork flyers put all the other material at the OSGeo booth to shame... so I trust that you have some good ideas for next steps to improve this!

I think OSGeo really needs to push on the marketing part of things to get wider recognition and also a more visible "value for money" message that can be used when discussing with potential sponsors. I'm very keen to work on this and get all OSGeo outreach better streamlined (web & paper & conference materials etc...)

Thanks for stepping up to dig in further. +1 for you to discuss further with anyone you know. Can you give us an update and/or ideas for tomorrows meeting? More in another note about the meeting.


dear Jeroen,
On Tue, Oct 09, 2007 at 12:40:45AM +0200, Jeroen Ticheler wrote:

During the OSGeo board meeting we discussed OSGeo's work on marketing
in the coming year. One thing was the paper work (flyers, journal,
conference stuff etc..) and the other area of focus would be the

Right, i remember Paul slapping the FOSS4G brochure and proclaiming,
"look, just add money!" And the Geonetwork site definitely has the
"gloss effect".

things to get wider recognition and also a more visible "value for
money" message that can be used when discussing with potential
sponsors. I'm very keen to work on this and get all OSGeo outreach
better streamlined (web & paper & conference materials etc...)



Hi everyone,

Looking a the flyers produced from GeoNetwork Open Source, they are impressive and very well written.

You can find some copies of the flyer on home page for the project.

I’d be interested in the Design Cost and the Printing Cost. We’d also should be able to keep the marketing files on one central site/server and be able to check them out/check them in (much like Trac) for Version Control (so we don’t have people always coming in and modifying them).

Maintaining brochures and documentation can be as complicated as maintaining code.


----- Original Message -----
From: Jo Walsh jo@frot.org
Date: Tuesday, October 9, 2007 10:21 am
Subject: [Marketing] Re: [Viscom-dev] OSGeo Marketing strategy…
To: Visibility Committee Discussion List viscom-dev@lists.osgeo.org

dear Jeroen,
On Tue, Oct 09, 2007 at 12:40:45AM +0200, Jeroen Ticheler wrote:

During the OSGeo board meeting we discussed OSGeo’s work on
in the coming year. One thing was the paper work (flyers,
conference stuff etc…) and the other area of focus would be

Right, i remember Paul slapping the FOSS4G brochure and proclaiming,
“look, just add money!” And the Geonetwork site definitely has the
“gloss effect”.

things to get wider recognition and also a more visible “value
money” message that can be used when discussing with
sponsors. I’m very keen to work on this and get all OSGeo
better streamlined (web & paper & conference materials etc…)



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Dean C. Mikkelsen, B.Sc., P.Eng.
Terra ETL Ltd.
Victoria, B.C., Canada
Phone: +1 (250) 361-6672

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