[Viscom-dev] OSGeo Newsletter

I've started a wiki outline for the next edition of the newsletter, hopefully we can follow some sort of template.

Please edit/modify this umbrella page:

I put together a general outline of the kinds of things in the newsletter - these are suggestions or observations from last volume and are able to change. But I wanted to identify them somehow so we can start to put names and article titles beside them.

Add and details or workflow ideas here:

We need to identify which areas we need more volunteers - I put some ideas in the section:

Then we can take that list and mail it out to the broader community to solicit help.

Any ideas or discussion??


Hello Tyler & all CCs,

On Wednesday 21 February 2007 18:59, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

I've started a wiki outline for the next edition of the newsletter,
hopefully we can follow some sort of template.

Please edit/modify this umbrella page:

great - that's very good for organising OSGeo 1/2007.
I changed bits and pieces on the wiki-pages.
We have to discuss the context of each section, to avoid confusion and then
assign each section to one editor.
Tyler, I would propose you as OSGeo-Newsletter head, who announces release,
call for articles and asks each Edt. to be ready in time.... not a lot of
work, "just" to keep the overview ,-)

I would feel more comfortable if the majority of OSGeo-Edt. are not GRASS
users/developers, this might lead to a wrong impression in the OSGeo
community. However I think that this bias will not hamper a broad diversity
of articles.

I put together a general outline of the kinds of things in the
newsletter - these are suggestions or observations from last volume
and are able to change. But I wanted to identify them somehow so we
can start to put names and article titles beside them.

Add and details or workflow ideas here:

already some announced articles - great!

We need to identify which areas we need more volunteers - I put some
ideas in the section:

Then we can take that list and mail it out to the broader community
to solicit help.

Any ideas or discussion??

added them to the wiki



Martin Wegmann

DLR - German Aerospace Center
German Remote Sensing Data Center
Dept.of Geography
Remote Sensing and Biodiversity Unit
Dept. of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology
University of Wuerzburg
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg

phone: +49-(0)931 - 888 4797
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fax: +49-(0)931 - 888 4961