[Viscom-dev] RE: Vote for new VisCom chair

Of the nine VisCom members, seven voted +1 and two did not vote; the
motion has thesefore passed, and so I hereby do formally request the
board to approve, ratify, and sustain Arnulf at their next meeting.



-----Original Message-----
From: Michael P. Gerlek
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 8:19 AM
To: 'Visibility Committee Discussion List'
Subject: Vote for new VisCom chair

Arnulf sent mail to this group last night volunteering to
take on the role of VisCom chair.

At this morning's meeting, we did not have a quorum. Being
chair, however, I took some license and formally nominated
Arnulf; Perry seconded. We now need to formally vote on
this: please send your [+-]?[01] votes to this list by 5pm
PST on Friday.

If the vote passes, I will immediately notify the board of
our request to have them annoint Arnulf.

