VisCom mtg tomorrow!

Tomorrow is VisCom Day again:

VisCom members and any other interested hangers-on are welcome to

(I've been offline for a few days, but I'll try to catch up on all the
mail before the meeting.)


Would like to be a member of VisCom. What do I have to do.
edit the wiki and put my name there?

OSGeo promoting at MapAsia 2006 ( is
coming along fine thanks to the support from Auto)desk
Asia-Pacific, Thai OSGeo volunteers and GIS-Development.
OSGeo will have a booth (see
at MapAsia and with more than 700 participants expected to attend,
OSGeo will get the much needed visibility in one of the biggest
GIS events in Asia. Dr. Phisan Santitamnont, who is one of
the most active OSGeo promoter is Thailand will give a invited
talk on OSGeo and my student Mr. Sarawut is organizing demos
at the OSGeo booth with the help of other volunteers in Thailand.



Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

Tomorrow is VisCom Day again:

VisCom members and any other interested hangers-on are welcome to

(I've been offline for a few days, but I'll try to catch up on all the
mail before the meeting.)


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On 16-Aug-06, at 9:02 PM, Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:

Would like to be a member of VisCom. What do I have to do.
edit the wiki and put my name there?

Hi Venka,
We just need to vote you in at our next meeting or have Michael declare you a member :slight_smile: I will add this item to the agenda. Will you be able to join us for the meeting? It's great to hear that the MapAsia planning is working out well. If there are any other updates you can provide during the phone meeting, it would be great.


Tyler Mitchell wrote:

On 16-Aug-06, at 9:02 PM, Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:

Would like to be a member of VisCom. What do I have to do.
edit the wiki and put my name there?

Hi Venka,
We just need to vote you in at our next meeting or have Michael declare you a member :slight_smile: I will add this item to the agenda. Will you be able to join us for the meeting? It's great to hear that the MapAsia planning is working out well. If there are any other updates you can provide during the phone meeting, it would be great.

Sorry Tyler, I wont be able to be at the phone meeting tomorrow.
Hope to join future meetings. There are a couple of opportunities
for OSGeo promotion in Asia. The organizers of GIS-IDEAS 2006
( are seeking some
financial support for OSGeo promotion to cover cost of printing
of OSGeo brochures, CD burning etc. We are also planning an
OSGeo workshop before this conference. About 150 participants
are expected.

Also a big event to be 24-26 November 2006.
Heard from Jo Walsh that Postgresql/Postgis and Mysql guys will be
there and would like to team up with OSGeo at this meeting.
Looking into how OSGeo can have presence at this important
event. Some folks from the proposed India OSGeo Chapter
have said that they will be there.

Another one in Jan 2006 also in India (
Organizers (Sanjay Kumar, GIS Development have expressed interest
in having a OSGeo workshop at "Map World Forum".

I am thinking of going to "FOSS India" and "Map World Forum"



I'll try to be on the IRC for the time of the meeting.

I saw the wiki events page on the agenda and got into making this:

Since it is a rather large edit I made it as a new page, however IMHO it
is much better than the current one -- but could of course be improved.
I don't know of you but I think the structure of our wiki is too
complicated. I'd especially appreciate that new proposals (like Frank's
binary distribution) appear on the main page, especially if it is not
mentioned on main email list.


Michael P. Gerlek kirjoitti:

Tomorrow is VisCom Day again:

VisCom members and any other interested hangers-on are welcome to

(I've been offline for a few days, but I'll try to catch up on all the
mail before the meeting.)


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Prof. Ari Jolma
Kartografia ja Geoinformatiikka / Cartography and Geoinformatics
Teknillinen Korkeakoulu / Helsinki University of Technology
tel: +358 9 451 3886 address: POBox 1200, 02015 TKK, Finland
Email: ari.jolma at URL: