Visual Studio


One of the things I would eventually like to setup on a system
co-hosted in your facility is a win32 build/test box. When that happens
we will pretty much need visual studio on it.

Dave Patton has an extra shrink wrapped copy of Visual Studio Standard
which he has received and is prepared to gift to OSGeo. Would you mind
"putting it on a shelf" till we need it somewhere in your office? If that's
ok, could you provide Dave with a shipping address he can send it to?

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGF,

Frank Warmerdam wrote:

Dave Patton has an extra shrink wrapped copy of Visual Studio Standard
which he has received and is prepared to gift to OSGeo. Would you mind
"putting it on a shelf" till we need it somewhere in your office? If that's
ok, could you provide Dave with a shipping address he can send it to?


Have you considered using the free Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition? Has anyone used it yet?

I have been unsuccesful compiling GDAL with it so far because it seems to be more picky than previous versions about some types of errors, but it may provide all that you need to build and debug win32 console apps without having to purchase a license.

Daniel Morissette


Will do... I am getting a few more old rack mount servers to play with ... I can load one up with windows tools ...
We get deep discounts on all things microsoft !


John Graham
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Drive
CSL 120 Geological Sciences Dept.
San Diego, CA 92182


Frank Warmerdam wrote:


One of the things I would eventually like to setup on a system
co-hosted in your facility is a win32 build/test box. When that happens
we will pretty much need visual studio on it.

Dave Patton has an extra shrink wrapped copy of Visual Studio Standard
which he has received and is prepared to gift to OSGeo. Would you mind
"putting it on a shelf" till we need it somewhere in your office? If that's
ok, could you provide Dave with a shipping address he can send it to?

Best regards,

Daniel Morissette wrote:


Have you considered using the free Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition? Has anyone used it yet?


I've had a few people report problems using it with GDAL. Amoung other
things it lacks optimization and apparently the tools for processing
resource files.

I have been unsuccesful compiling GDAL with it so far because it seems to be more picky than previous versions about some types of errors, but it may provide all that you need to build and debug win32 console apps without having to purchase a license.

Well, I do want GDAL to work with the Visual Studio 2005 suite and I have
fixed up a few things to that end.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGF,

Frank Warmerdam wrote:

I've had a few people report problems using it with GDAL. Amoung other
things it lacks optimization and apparently the tools for processing
resource files.


Well, I do want GDAL to work with the Visual Studio 2005 suite and I have
fixed up a few things to that end.

Perhaps I should get a fresh GDAL from CVS and try again.

Daniel Morissette