Hello all,
During 2024 there were major code changes on vrpRouting and we are setting up a sequence of review meetings.
Consider that the code internals are very similar to those of pgRouting I encourage those interested GSoC program with pgRouting to participate.
- Meetings will take place on OSgeo meet
- Regularly on Mondays at UTC 17 UTC
- Announcements of day & time will be done in this topic
- Cancellation will also be announced in this topic
- Things happen, like work meetings.
- Meetings will last 1hr
- Meetings about the review will stop once we finish the review.
- Meetings will be recorded.
Vicky & Iosefa
Hello all
@iosefa and me are going to start the review of vrpRouting changes from last year. (like 1/2 hour from now)
Everyone is welcome.
Potential Gsoc Students are encouraged to come and listen:
@dextroflask , @wifiBlack , @Saloni-2005
Last PR revierwed is #56
See you next week same time.
Last PR reviewed was #61
See you all next week at the same time!
Video uploaded of this second meeting:
Sorry the first video did not work.
Hi! Sorry everyone, todays meeting had to be cancelled but we will continue next week at the same time. See you then!