Wiki and Names Spaces

Benjamin Thelen wrote:


I'm sorry that I (at the moment :-)) have to say, that I don't have the
least idea and that I cannot do anything until next week. Sorry for that.

But, I did forward your mail and we will discuss that issue soon and
hopefully find out, how to accomplish your request.

I'll let you know as soon as possible.


I guess that we should follow two different paths (hmmm, this might also be discussed in the Wiki I guess. Hmm hmm, I guess too much I guess. :-)...

1. Set up a separate Wiki for each project (it seems like MapGuide would like to have one too). Then we can delve into the use of InterWiki links which I think are "the way" to (technically seen highly loosely) connect Wiki content very firmly.

2. Start using categories to organize things.

I think I would prefer the first way to do it as it keeps content separated and much more better organizable. I am heavy user of "recent changes" and I expect the changes list to reflect on one type of content. With respect to OSGeo I would not want to see too many "Mapbender has corrected this typo" and "GDAL has resolved this bit shift issue" but rather see what OSGeo does. Whenever something major does happens in one of the other project (Wikis) it can be added (fx) to the news section of the OSGeo Wiki and who is interestd then cann follow the InterWiki link to the corresponding MapGuide/GDAL/Mapbender/WhatEver Wiki.

Additionally this would allow GeoTools to stick with their choice of Confluence Wiki and GRASS to keep with whatever they have, etc. Its up to the projects to choose to migrate and the projects have to make sure their InterWiki links work fine. We have done this when we migrated from ewiki to Mediawiki half a year ago and it still works.

Anybody in need of migration or setup support can contact us.

The longer I come to think of it the better I like version 1.

== Technical Issues ==
It might make sense to run one instance of Mediawiki software and have it connect to deifferent databases. That way administration and maintenance of the Wikis would also become easier and cause less work (sac will like this). We are still working on how to do this, once we found out we'll report.

Best regards,


I am curious if there is such a thing as specialize name spaces or
similar to allow "subsections" of a wiki specific to a topic area. For
instance, I would like to use the OSGeo wiki for a GDAL wiki as well,
but I don't want to pollute the general wiki with a lot of GDAL collisions
on names.

Is there an easy way of having wiki's that can refer to one another
in a similar fashion to internal references? Or a way of having names
spaces? Should I just use a convention such as prefixing all GDAL topics
with GDAL: ?

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGF,

Arnulf Christl wrote:

I guess that we should follow two different paths (hmmm, this might also be discussed in the Wiki I guess. Hmm hmm, I guess too much I guess. :-)...

1. Set up a separate Wiki for each project (it seems like MapGuide would like to have one too). Then we can delve into the use of InterWiki links which I think are "the way" to (technically seen highly loosely) connect Wiki content very firmly.


I think I would prefer the first way to do it as it keeps content separated and much more better organizable. I am heavy user of "recent changes" and I expect the changes list to reflect on one type of content. With respect to OSGeo I would not want to see too many "Mapbender has corrected this typo" and "GDAL has resolved this bit shift issue" but rather see what OSGeo does. Whenever something major does happens in one of the other project (Wikis) it can be added (fx) to the news section of the OSGeo Wiki and who is interestd then cann follow the InterWiki link to the corresponding MapGuide/GDAL/Mapbender/WhatEver Wiki.

Additionally this would allow GeoTools to stick with their choice of Confluence Wiki and GRASS to keep with whatever they have, etc. Its up to the projects to choose to migrate and the projects have to make sure their InterWiki links work fine. We have done this when we migrated from ewiki to Mediawiki half a year ago and it still works.

Anybody in need of migration or setup support can contact us.

The longer I come to think of it the better I like version 1.


I like the idea of one set of Mediawiki software with different backend
databases. This sounds relatively easy to manage centrally. Perhaps we
will consider this a longer term todo item for SAC (at which point we
might well come asking for some help). For me there is no pressing hurry.

I might need to read up a bit on "InterWiki links" which I gather are
different than simple urls.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGF,