Windows XP buildbot slave is down


My Windows box connected to the OSGeo Buildbot farm has just got down.
It seems I've broken Python installation on it with running
RegCleaner. I removed all "safe to remove" elements but it as I
see it wasn't safe :frowning:
RegCleaner removed some of registry entries for Python and Buildbot
service too.

Because of my very tight schedule, I can not fix it earlier than
during the weekend or in Monday.

I apologize for that!

Mateusz Loskot

Mateusz £oskot wrote:

My Windows box connected to the OSGeo Buildbot farm has just got down.
It seems I've broken Python installation on it with running
RegCleaner. I removed all "safe to remove" elements but it as I
see it wasn't safe :frowning:
RegCleaner removed some of registry entries for Python and Buildbot
service too.

OK, my Windows buildbot slave is back online.
It was sufficient to re-run setup for Python and Twiser.

Mateusz Loskot