[GeoNetwork-users] Geonetwork, thesaurus, alternative labels


I'd like to know if there is a way for GeoNetwork (2.10.1) to utilize all of the relations inside my thesaurus.

I have built a thesaurus where some concepts have an alternative label (<altLabel>). Unfortunately, GeoNetwork seems to ignore these labels, focusing only on preferred labels (<prefLabel>). My concept is as follows:

<skos:Concept rdf:about="http://mythesaurus.com/...&quot;&gt;

<skos:prefLabel xml:lang="en">cat</skos:prefLabel>

<skos:altLabel>felis catus</skos:prefLabel>

<skos:inScheme rdf:resource="http:// mythesaurus.com/..."/>

<skos:broader rdf:resource="http:// mythesaurus.com/..."/><dct:created>2013-10-14 16:59:16</dct:created>


So, upon researching (whether it is by keywords or in all fields) "felis catus" (the altLabel) in order to find "cat" (the prefLabel), no result is returned.

My metadata contains the keyword "cat", from my thesaurus. I was then expecting that all metadata which contain the keyword "cat" added from the thesaurus would be returned as results from my request of "felis catus" since it is an alternative label for "cat".

The same question goes for alternative labels that contain spelling variants, misspelling, or any non-preferred labels that you would like to index, so that when someone requests -- for instance -- "felis catus" instead of "cat", or, say, "aesthetics" instead of "esthetics" (spelling variants) or "geese" instead of "goose", the metadata containing the related preferred label is returned.

Is there a way to make GeoNetwork use all of the relations inside the thesaurus? (I am also interested in the broader and narrower relations).

Thanks a lot and best regards,



2013/10/15 Philippe Clastre <Philippe.Clastre@anonymised.com>


I'd like to know if there is a way for GeoNetwork (2.10.1) to utilize
all of the relations inside my thesaurus.

I have built a thesaurus where some concepts have an alternative label
(<altLabel>). Unfortunately, GeoNetwork seems to ignore these labels,
focusing only on preferred labels (<prefLabel>). My concept is as follows:

<skos:Concept rdf:about="http://mythesaurus.com/...&quot;&gt;

<skos:prefLabel xml:lang="en">cat</skos:prefLabel>

<skos:altLabel>felis catus</skos:prefLabel>

<skos:inScheme rdf:resource="http:// mythesaurus.com/..."/>

<skos:broader rdf:resource="http://
mythesaurus.com/..."/><dct:created>2013-10-14 16:59:16</dct:created>


So, upon researching (whether it is by keywords or in all fields) "felis
catus" (the altLabel) in order to find "cat" (the prefLabel), no result
is returned.

My metadata contains the keyword "cat", from my thesaurus. I was then
expecting that all metadata which contain the keyword "cat" added from
the thesaurus would be returned as results from my request of "felis
catus" since it is an alternative label for "cat".

The same question goes for alternative labels that contain spelling
variants, misspelling, or any non-preferred labels that you would like
to index, so that when someone requests -- for instance -- "felis catus"
instead of "cat", or, say, "aesthetics" instead of "esthetics" (spelling
variants) or "geese" instead of "goose", the metadata containing the
related preferred label is returned.

Is there a way to make GeoNetwork use all of the relations inside the
thesaurus? (I am also interested in the broader and narrower relations).

For the time being, thesaurus repository in GeoNetwork only support search
for broader/related/narrower term.
The services for navigating thesaurus are available but not exposed in the
UI. They will be in the new admin. eg.

Also, some experiments were made on implementing synonyms support (see
http://trac.osgeo.org/geonetwork/ticket/1185) but that would require more
work for better support in search and in the editor.



Thanks a lot and best regards,


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