On Sep 30, 2007, at 11:23 PM, Michael Barton wrote:
Well, after asking for help, I figured out how to this without the dread
regexp ;-). This might even be a bit better routine.
Anyway, I can't commit this because I'm out of town, but if anyone wants to
try it, you need to change lines in procedure GmAnim::main (module
animate.tcl). Replace the commented lines with the uncommented lines below.
foreach line $reglist {
set line [string trim $line]
set key [lindex [split $line "="] 0]
switch $key {
nsres {set oldres1 [lindex [split $line "="] 1]}
ewres {set oldres2 [lindex [split $line "="] 1]}
rows {set vrows [lindex [split $line "="] 1]}
cols {set vcols [lindex [split $line "="] 1]}
# regexp {nsres= *([0-9]+)} $region dummy oldres1
# regexp {ewres= *([0-9]+)} $region dummy oldres2
# regexp {rows= *([0-9]+)} $region dummy vrows
# regexp {cols= *([0-9]+)} $region dummy vcols
Thanks for the email. I made the following changes but ended up with a new error. I might have altered the wrong file. Here is what I tried.
From the file ~/src_intel/grass-6.3.cvs/gui/tcltk/gis.m/animate.tcl
# set initial canvas geometry to match region
if {[catch {set region [exec g.region -ugp]} error]} {
Gm::errmsg $error
# regexp {nsres= *([0-9]+)} $region dummy oldres1
# regexp {ewres= *([0-9]+)} $region dummy oldres2
# regexp {rows= *([0-9]+)} $region dummy vrows
# regexp {cols= *([0-9]+)} $region dummy vcols
foreach line $reglist {
set line [string trim $line]
set key [lindex [split $line "="] 0]
switch $key {
nsres {set oldres1 [lindex [split $line "="] 1]}
ewres {set oldres2 [lindex [split $line "="] 1]}
rows {set vrows [lindex [split $line "="] 1]}
cols {set vcols [lindex [split $line "="] 1]}
New error when startring up GmAnim.
can't read "reglist": no such variable
while executing
"foreach line $reglist {
set line [string trim $line]
set key [lindex [split $line "="] 0]
switch $key {
nsres {..."
(procedure "GmAnim::main" line 28)
invoked from within
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel \#0 $cmd"
(procedure "Button::_release" line 18)
invoked from within
"Button::_release .mainframe.topf.tb1.bbox4.b0"
(command bound to event)
Perhaps this is not what you intended?